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Biohacking and grinding research survey

Hello fellow members! 

My name is Daniel Jansson and I am pursuing an MFA degree project in interaction design at Umeå Institute of Design, Sweden. 

I'm here because I'm currently doing research into both wearable technology, as well as those who go further to augment their bodies in various ways. I'm interested in looking at both how people augment themselves, as well as the reasons behind and the experiences before during and after. 

The degree project will end with one or a few prototypes both exploring and questioning the direction our technological advances are us taking in the near future. The purpose is not only to make people realize how technologically integrated we already are, but how far it will go in a possible future as well. I think grinders are definitely at the forefront of that development, as it is you who try these things while the technology is still in its infancy.

Regardless if you have any augments, implants or otherwise, if you're planning to have, or are just generally interested I would love if you take a few minutes to answer the survey linked below.

Outside of the project scope I am interested in this topic as well, I spent quite some time in the body modification field, as well as doing suspensions and exploring what the body could do in other ways. 

If you would like to find out a bit more about me feel free to explore my website at:

Thank you, and I hope as many as possible can take part of my survey, and I would be delighted to come back once the project reaches its end to share the results with you all.




Displaying all 4 comments
  1. @SwitchAndLever, how is the survey going?  Are you getting a lot of responses?
  2. I managed to acquire a few more people who said they will take the survey from my college. Gonna see if I can gather more people to get better results.
  3. Hey McSTUFF, right now I've got four responses, but I figured from the activity at this forum that it wouldn't be an avalance of answers. That's fine, the ones I've got have been really good quality and have given me some thoughts which I need to consider in my work, which is obviously invaluable.

    Proxy, thank you, that is always appreciated.:)
  4. I just found this and took the survey, I hope that I am not to late. Your questions are interesting and cover the subject quite well. I myself do not have any modifications as of yet but they are on my list of things to get. I provided a fair sized list of what I would want if the sky was the limit. I am very curious to know what everyone else who took your survey thinks of.

    I can't wait to see the results. 
Displaying all 4 comments