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Lifespan Extension


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  1. This is where I bought it from:

    @Ian: Can you link me the source you're quoting on the sloppy methodology? I've found the  correction the put out on the paper, but it was just a correction to the graph I shared above, and a place where they had accidently set duplicate images in a figure.  Everything I've read says the methodology was sound, and the corrections to their diagram have no effect on the conclusions they reached.  Main sources here:

  2. Also, the main reason I chose not to make bucky balls at home was the inability to insure purity.  The only way to separate the C60 from all the other molecules made is with an organic solvent, which won't react with C60 but will react with the nanotubes and everything else formed.  Afterwards, you need to insure that the solvent is neutralized somehow,  as the majority of them are carcinogens. 
  3. @countseven:  I'm not quoting any source other than the original article.  According to it, they all but starved the experimental group, which definitely has the potential to introduce a confunding variable.
  4. It doesn't say anything about starving the experimental group in the experiment on long-term chronic toxicity, which is the one that showed the life span extension.  

    "All remaining animals survived with no apparent sign of
    behavioural trouble until M25 (Fig. 3a). At the end of M25 the
    animals of the control groups showed signs of ulcerative dermatitis
    with ageing while C60-treated animals remained normal. As the
    growths of all surviving animals showed no significant difference
    until M30 (Fig. 3b) indicating that the treatment did not alter their
    food intake, we continued observing their survival."

    Page 4, under the results section. 

    I've read the entire paper several times, and the only place where they mention any sort of fasting is under the Pharmacokinetics experiment. And then it was only a overnight fast before administration.

    All of their methodology is listed on page 2.  You need to remember 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 are three different experiments carried out as part of the study. 
  5. @countseven

    you could use a rotovap to fully remove the solvent without adding any heat or other things to your buckyballs. there are many instructions on how to make one for yourself, if you have the resources. otherwise, you can always ask anyone you know who works in a chem lab. heck, if it was worth it to you, you could send me a sample and i could purify it and run it through an NMR to check just to be sure. what protocol would you use for making them? 
  6. I'm not sure, glims.  I bought 5 grams of it from that site.  I travel roughly 700 miles every 2 weeks, and it's made me slightly disinclined to set up anything to complex at home.  But were I to do it, I'd set up an argon chamber out of a fish tank or something to do the reaction in. assuming the reaction would even work in a heavier than air noble gas.  
  7. just use nitrogen gas. it's really stable and non reactive and super cheap. it's what we use at the lab when we're building organic molecules. it should work.

    protocol? i can make some in my free time.
  8. Like I said, I haven't made any myself, but the most common method I found was with two graphite rods.  And looking at it again, nitrogen might not work, as the experiment needs to be carried out at less than 1g/L air density 2 stp.  DirectorX shared this video earlier, and from everything I've read, it's a pretty legit guide, though you could use neon or helium instead of making a vacuum

    Edit: this has a lot of good information as well:
  9. thanks :) im working on carbon nanofiber and graphene production right now for the boron carbide fiber project (ref. armour thread). i can just fold this project right into it.

  10. One thing you might consider is using a different lipid to dissolve them in.  I used pure olive oil, and like I said in the blog, the taste leaves something to be desired.  I may see if I can balance it out with some garlic or spices, but regardless, it takes some getting used to, at least it did for me.
  11. i have always found it strange that when people are ingesting non-polar molecules, they always just end going the : fat soluble->put it in olive / fish oil  route. if you eat it dry or in a tablet, you can knock it back with some water and then just make sure you have been consuming lipids at some point. i've found, especially with the non polar molecules, that not suspending it in solution hinders it's ability to interact with your taste buds. and it's not as if you're body won't absorb it if it's not mixed into oil. 
  12. The absorption rate is lower, and it's not the carbon-60 that tastes bad, it's the olive oil.  carbon 60 dry doesn't have much taste at all to me.
  13. has anyone procured any SkQ1, or found any more (beyond the initial papers) about it's effects? I have read some very interesting things about that.

    @countseven my understanding about the absorption rate being lower if it isn't taken with fatty acids, means that they both need to be in your stomach, not that you have to mix them together. this is why people are advised to eat fish oil capsules when they consume racetams. my point was, lots of things have fatty acids. eat a hamburger and then swallow the C60 dry.

  14. Well this is awkward. The video posted by directorx was made by me a while ago. As to the efficiency at making c60 I'd wager that some was formed, a fair amount at that however my setup was crap and can be greatly revised. Hello by the way, nice to meet everyone. Honestly purifying them isn't hard. You use toluene or xylene to purify them and although it's a fairly gross solvent as glims said a rotovap should clean them right up. once you've done that i'd let them sit in a vacuum desiccator for a few hours to remove any traces. To actually make c60 is fairly simple. I mean sure there's a trivial amount made in soot and things like that but to make them all you'll need is a tank of nitrogen, a vacuum pump, some graphite rods and an arc welder and then some bits and bobs to hold everything together. The premise is that you set it up so the rods are just barely separated. back fill the champed with the nitrogen and then pump it down. you'll want a very slow and steady flow of nitrogen into the chamber. Once that's ready turn on the welder which should be set so that each electrode is attached to one of the rods. If the rods arc as they should you're golden. you'll notice that one rod shrinks as the other sort of grows. This new growth is fullerenes. Once that's all done remove your little block of new fullerenes and drop them in toluene. sonicate for a few minutes and you're done. then you just have to separate out the ones you want which is easy enough to do through chromatography. Yes i realize its a pain in the ass but for those who don't feel like spending hundreds on them its the only quick option I can think of.
  15. There is another method, where you dissolve sugar into water and then bake it in sealed container. The container effectively becomes a wet autoclave, increasing the internal temperature beyond that of the stove, while maintaining a low oxygen amount so that none burn off.

    If you are interested in coming down to our lab and setting up a project like you mentioned, I think that would be awesome and a lot of fun. 
  16. HELL YES i'd be interested.  where abouts is the lab? I just read about the method you mentioned a while ago. the tang lau method I believe. Also I thought that made graphene oxide rather than c60? Also useful for some future projects but not for extending life
  17. my understanding was that one would get graphene but also that c60 was a bit of a side result, normally waste product in that technique. Honestly, I need to read more on it, I've just been swamped with everything else.

    Setting up an arc and going that route would be ideal.
    We will be located an hour north of LA in California.
  18. Im based in ottawa ontario so that'd be quiet the road trip but who knows may get something worked out. At the least I'd be down to work with you guys and send you schematics and such. Seems ya'll are better setup for analysis so I could try it here and send you a sample to test and try and if it works I could happily make a bunch
  19. So, whatever came of this C-60 idea? Read through the thread and seems interesting. Also, I want to see some GITS level tech, but life extension seems the more pressing of matters. Once that is figured out one has bought time to figure out the rest, right?  Unless we want to keep up this grinding (in the colloquial sense) process against time by having to raise new humans and teach them all the crap we already figured out and learned. I know there are grand social implications to such a development, but when has that stopped anyone before?
  20. in short? we have too many bloody people on this planet. releasing that is about the worst idea possible short of nuclear tennis. we already have a population problem and people living longer will make that worse. BUT other than that there's no real reason. i've been working on it and it'll be my main focus of study along with some other fun tidbits eventually.
  21. I'm actually going to be writing up a chemistry paper on life extension through foods and such. Any suggestions about where to start?
  22. If you're talking any meaningful amount of lifespan extension everyday food won't do much. unless you're talking about the c60 thing.

    He is credited as a "biohacker" but he mostly uses physical techniques to "hack" his body. Now he is all about the business. But he gives a little information on his diet technique. Might be a decent reference for ya
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