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New guy looking for magnetic implant info!

Hey guys, I am looking into getting magnetic implants for a few reasons. First of all I am a trades person (mechanic to be exact) and we do a fair bit of electrical troubleshooting etc. The second is because this is cool as hell and would come in handy in a bunch of different situations in everyday living. I have fully committed to doing this and I will probably install them myself (provided I can get the right equipment) so it would be great if someone could point me in the direction of where to buy the magnets and sterile tools to put them in. The first one I want to put in my right pinky right under my fingerprint, and then probably another one in my right index finger either in the side or very tip. I've read that the ptfe coated ones are the best for multiple reasons so if that's the general consensus I'll go with that. It would also be ideal if I can get some anesthetic but if not I can tough it out. Thanks in advance! 


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  1. 1. Don't. implant on the tip or directly under the pad. These are high impact areas; you want to implant on the side of the finger. 2. sells lido kits 3. Message @Cassox for implant kits. also see, his website, for detailed implant instructions 4. The ptfe coated ones are great as far as bioproofing goes, but are only 42mgo strength magnets as opposed to the 52mgo parylene c coated ones some (such as myself and @Cassox) have implanted. Cass has some of these coming in as well I believe.
  2. Yeah sorry I got confused. I read that the parylene coated ones are best. Sweet man thanks! 
  3. Parylene is thin and can be vaccuum deposited onto 52mgo neodyms, but it has poor mechanical properties (scratches off fairly easily and can foul in a year or two if it's compromised). Ptfe is a far better coating, but unfortunately the temps required to seal it onto the neodym demagnetize 52 mgo, so it has to be the weaker 42mgo.
  4. there are still other options. like FEP which is like PTFE but works for lower temperatures and also is processable with regular thermoplasts. or HDPE, which serves as reference material for testing tissue reactions in implant-material tests. HDPE is also a thermoplast and can be processed in any thickness desired.
  5. Ok so what's the best coating that you guys are finding works better all around? 
  6. as far as i know, FEP and HDPE have not been tested by the community yet. They are listed as materials with excellent bio-inertness so it may be worth a test, maybe not in the fingertips at first but an easier ,less painful location first.
  7. Yeah for now I wanna go with something that will work for sure for my first implant. 
  8. i just emailed vp scientific and they wont sell to a person it seems you have to own a business?
  9. i also sent cassox a message and he didnt get back to me .. is there anywehre else that i can buy these? im also not buying a haworth magnet considering he wants a hundred bucks a pop
  10. i just bought ten of these magnets, a pain management kit from dangerousthings and a scalpel.
  11. does anyone know what tools i can use for the tissue separation? i forgot to buy something to use for it
  12. I used one half a pair of medical scissors (as in one of the blades).
  13. good luck! tell me how it goes  and any issues/ things good to know when operating.

  14. Saal what else would I be able to use? That's the only thing I didn't order. 
  15. Really any blunt, flattish probe that is 1-3mm in width and can be easily sterilized (no grooves, depressions or other niches that can harbor pathogens). Surgical scissors should be carried at your average pharmacy/medical supply shop, or at least something similar.
  16. So what is the point of using the scissors? Just to cut apart the fatty tissue to make a pocket for the magnet itself?
  17. I used only one half (ie one blade) because it was sharp enough that the skin parted from the underlying tissue fairly easy, allowing me to form a pocket for the magnet, but blunt enough that I didn't have to worry about cutting through the sides of the pocket.
  18. So you are separating tissue from the skin itself? 
  19. Yes. you need a small "flesh pocket" in which the magnet can rest or it will protrude into the dermis as it heals and almost inevitable reject (if you can get it to stay in there in the first place).
  20. Ok so just slice apart the fatty tissue and create a small pocket for it to sit in? 
  21. Yes.
  22. I'm confused haha. Does the magnet sit in the fat tissue or just underneath the skin?
  23. Where would it sit in this picture here?

  24. Merry Christmas.
    Page two of the forums... ;)

    You literally create a hole in the side of the finger with which you drop your magnet into that way it has a cave to hide in from the world.

    Many have recommended and prefer it being on the side of the finger which when pressed down on a table the chunky part on the side that squishes out, yeah that part, is where it is placed to stay out of the way of daily activities and such.
  25. Yeah. I'll just wing it haha
  26. Just got my magnets in today and they don't feel coated at all. Anyone else experience this?
  27. Sixth! Did you order from supermagnetman? Ok, because I recently ordered from them and was sent uncoated magnets. The chick swears up and down that these are coated in parylene, but dude... it's not. It's straight up nickel. I've never had an issue with them before, and after a rather nasty set of emails with an underling, I emailed the owner and he promises to correct the issue. I'll let you know how it goes, but I figure this is a fair warning. And for other folks interested in my magnets... I'll reiterate that I'm no longer really a fan of the resin I was using before. I've got a few samples coming in next week that show a lot of potential. I'm going to have 3rd party testing of mechanical stress and cytotoxicity.
  28. Thank fuck I put something up here first. I don't think these are coated. The first thing I did was put it in my mouth to see if I could bite down on the metal and I couldn't feel any coating at all haha. I emailed the guy too so we will see what happens.
  29. Hey cassox I got an email today and they said that this batch didn't get the coated and that they are sending me some new ones. 
  30. Excellent. I'm glad. I've always have good experiences in the past with supermagnetman. It took me like 5 emails though to convince his underling that the magnets weren't coated first in parylene and then coated in nickel. It was quite frustrating. I'm going to sending off some of those exact Parylene coated models with the "Mysterious" new coatings I've been working on and I'll let you guys know what I get back.
    See, my original intent in using a resin coat was because V&P have such thin shitty coatings. No joke, you can scratch it off with a fingernail. Those from SMM seem much thicker and resistant to mechanical stress. If they stand up well to mech. stress and rate well in terms of cytotoxicity, then I likely won't bother with finishing up a new product, unless... this one other "mysterious" thing works out.

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