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SuperMagnetMan magnets quality

hello! i just ordered a few of the Parylene coated magnets from here: []

my concern is that I've seen these linked all over these forums yet no one really reports on their quality.

if you've purchased these magnets and used them could you let me know how you feel about things like the strength of the Parylene coating, magnet strength, what to look out for, etc. 
essentially i want to know what your overall opinion on them is!

just posting because i would like to get a rough sketch of the quality of what I'm putting in my body.


Displaying all 8 comments
  1. My only complaint is that the parylene scratches off really easily; this isn't really SuperMagnetMan's fault, the coating is only 20-30 microns thick so you just need to be careful to insure the coating isn't compromised.
  2. Ah ok! I was scared out of sheer bad luck I would receive a bad coated magnet or I would mess up so I bought a few. Thanks!
  3. How is the strength? On a level of how well can you sense things and how well can you pick things up with them?
  4. Both of mine were removed within a month, as I was testing an experimental coating over the parylene. So I never really gave the nerves enough time to heal, thus didn't reach full sensitivity. However, I could easily sense AC/DC adapter circuits at and my microwave.
  5. The ones you're looking at are rated at 50mgo I believe, which is about the max you're likely to find.
  6. I'm considering getting it professionally done now as I found out both samppa and Brian Decker will be in/near my state in April! I have a question though while you're here being so helpful. Samppa INSISTS on putting the implant on the side of the hand. The exact words emailed to me were "The only reason people think the finger gives the right sensation is because Steve started using that placement. We got so many complaints the we use the side of the hand and it actually works better" I find that hard to believe since seeing the popularity of the finger magnet vs the hand magnet. The hand magnet will be much bigger and stronger though... Thoughts?
  7. On the subject of SuperMagnet Man, has anybody tried implanting their PTFE-coated magnets?
  8. i bought mine mainly for size reference i dont really intend on self-installing
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