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Optimal Magnet shape and the use of magnet "cups."

Ok, so I've been speaking with the folks at supermagnetman and they'll have the 3mmx1mm parylene coated back in stock in 40 days or so. I've also been speaking with some other suppliers and am considering ordering a custom size to sell. I've always liked the sizes from V&P, but the grade isn't N52. I've found a supplier for N52 5mm x 1mm discs, albeit with a minimum order size that makes it a tad costly. I'm also looking into a new coating system that may be better than the resin I'm currently using.

Also, I found this:,42363#5
Does anyone else know about magnetic cups? A non-magnetic backing supposedly focuses the magnetic energy giving something like a 4x gain in strength.


Displaying all 8 comments
  1. If I remember correctly, magnetic cups will in fact increase strength in a magnet but at the cost of the size of the field itself. So while a magnet may be 4 times stronger, you would have to get much closer to feel anything.
  2. Could be useful for more "active" implants, i.e. those designed to use the magnet to do something on purpose rather than passively feel field effects. Maybe a transdermal magnetic cup to be used as a mounting point for other hardware?
  3. @zombiegristle : I read that attaching something to implanted magnets over a longer time will damage the skin and tissue in between, making it turn gray over time, so thats probably not a good idea
  4. A gentle reminder ... If you're going to give advice based upon something you've read, please include a reference to the source so that we all may benefit from the article. Without that, it's just hearsay.
  5. It's common knowledge that something pressed against the skin for long periods of time causes tissue degradation. Reference points are not necessary for bed sores.

    If the magnet increase in strength, but reduces field.. isn't insert location extra crucial? I would assume that feeling is directly proportional to the amount of nerve contact. While field size increases range, would that not be offset by sensitivity and strength?

    Has anyone looked into the particulars of implant location withing the region of the fourth proximal flange tiparas?
  6. The tissue degradation issues are why I said "transdermal" and not "subdermal". Give me a little credit, guys :p

    You could have a transdermal piercing with the scaffold under the skin, and a threaded magnet instead of some jewelry. The magnet lays on top of/above the surface of the skin, and you can now mount shit on it. Nothing too heavy, you don't want to put too much stress on the piercing and cause a rejection, but could be viable for things like small electronics. I know a piercer a couple years ago used this exact technique with four transdermal magnets to hold an ipod nano on his wrist for use as a smartwatch before they were cool.
  7. My point was you can't put something on your skin, trans or sub, for a significant amount of time without negative ramifications.

    Quick test. Tape a penny to your forearm for a month. Don't move it. Just pile more tape on it when it gets loose. The issues that develop there are the issues we need to be discussing when we talk about anything interacting with the skin.
  8. This would be more like wearing a watch normally. It has some movement and airspace relative to the skin, and can be easily detatched when desired, like for showers or sleep. The guy who did it with his iPod reported no issues after several months, but I don't have a link to the interview handy. I've been wearing an aluminum watch for two months without ever removing it, and the only side effect is it seems to have rubbed off a small patch of arm hair underneath it. As for the piercings themselves, transdermals and microdermals are riskier than regular piercings, but they are not at all the same as, for example, sticking a magnet to a subdermal implant and leaving it for days.
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