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Hello, any Canucks?

Hello all,

Just wanted to see if there is any of you in or around my area that I might be able to connect with because I want to get the magnetic implant, but want someone that has done it previously to oversee it. Feeling kind of nervous about getting it, but have started putting some stuff together to get ready for it. I've acquired 2 3mm x 1mm magnets w/ bioproof coating and have thought about getting a local anaesthetic to make it less painful.

I'm in Toronto, Canada, but would also greatly appreciate any advice/help you could offer, and yes I've checked out the magnets wiki.


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  1. I'm over in Peterborough, but I'll be heading to Toronto in a couple of years if everything goes according to plan.  I've been looking at the magnet implants as well, although I really want the RFID chip.  Over at DangerousThings they are working on a new model though, so I'm holding out on that for now.  I'd love it if they made a kit for the magnets too, but I guess @Cassox has that covered.
  2. I was looking into getting an RFID chip too and using it for my apartment and stuff like that, would be very cool to use. The magnetic implants just seem like the most viable option though due to ease and the fact that theres no need for supplementary hardware such as an RFID reader or something specific for it to interact with because you can interact with the everyday world.
  3. Yea, the price of entry into for the RFID is kind if limitting for me as a university student.  Still thinking about the magnet though, I'll probably look into it more after my exams.
  4. Anyone in Western Canada?
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