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Binary clock with hall effect sensor as switch

I'm looking about ways to design an implantable and very small (6 LED) binary clock that flashes the hour, followed by the minute on a grid of 6 LED's with a hall effect sensor to activate it as well as an induction charging circuit to keep it powered. I did find a 4 LED clock, but it uses a PIC that's far too big for implanting here. Poking around a bit on mouser revealed a QFPN-20 8 bit microcontroller that looks about perfect to use for something so small. I'd most likely be opting for a 
Now, I'm not too familiar with circuit design so getting this off the ground will take me awhile. If anyone has experience designing circuits or 


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  1. I think you didn't get your full comment in there.
  2. @geckogut soldering QFPN requires quite some preparation, equipment and experience. a small TSOP may be easier to work with at first. Cassox and I are working on sort of a framework with battery,powermanagement, inductive charging, optical I/O, and single outputchannel for electrodes. you may want to help out there, as it basically covers all your needs for a clock.
  3. @geckogut You also might need to consider how to adjust the time on the clock after implanting. Because of daylight savings time and that sort of thing.
  4. @geckout: Grindhouse made a binary clock charliplexed to another device. They might have some insights too.
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