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moving magnet after implant

i installed my first magnet the other day.  it is in the side of the tip of my ring finger.  i was wondering how movable they are after they heal.  for example, can i massage it closer to the surface? can i massage it into a different orientation?  is this a bad idea in anyway?


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  1. I know that they've flipped on people and been massaged back into the right orientation. Moving it to a different area is a whole other matter, I'd imagine; most people use a blunt probe to pull the skin up and create a "pocket" for the magnet, implying that it would be pretty difficult to shove it over. you might try gluing a stronger magnet on the area you want it moved to to pull it there over time (be careful with polarity orientation). Also, I wouldn't recommend putting it in the center of the pad if that's what your planning; a lot o And there's. bf pressure is put there regularly.
  2. thanks. i created a pocket, its just a touch deeper than i'd like, and not exactly oriented properly. its not on the pad though, and i dont want it to be either. i think after it heals i may try the strong magnet idea, although im concerned that instead of getting the magnet to migrate towards the surface that it might just pinch the tissue.
  3. I was thinking the same thing recently. It's flipped a couple of times and I just used a magnet to re-orientate it so it's flush again. I wanted to try to drag it a little away from centre too, I'll try a longer time with a magnet and report back next week.
  4. I tried to move one of mine a little lower off of the tip of the finger and tried to get it a little deeper as well. I went about it by using piercing needles.  I bought a variety pack of all different gauges.  I went in from the side first to try to create the "pocket" inserted a needle and sort of wiggled it back and forth, up and down.  I then took another larger needle, maybe around 12 gauge or so, went in through the tip just up to the magnet, then took a slightly thinner gauge needle and put the blunt end in to push.  I didn't want to scratch the paralyne coating with a needle.  So I used the blunt edge.  Finally, I did past a magnet externally closer to the target area.
    Honestly, it was a lot of work and pretty painful and didn't move the magnet much, a few millimeters lower, but no change in depth.  So I would say you can use all of my experience and put it in the "what not to do" category.  
  5. I have been able to get my magnet closer to the surface using another magnet to pull on it. I had to use extreme caution though. The strength of the pulling magnet was the same as the implanted magnet and I still wasn't able to keep it on more than 10 minutes at a time without risking damage to the tissue that was being pinched. After I removed the pulling magnet, the subdermal magnet stayed closer to the surface of the skin for a couple of hours, but eventually migrated back to the deeper position. If I wanted to lift the magnet permanently, I might be able to get it to happen through repeated applications of the external magnet, but I would have to closely monitor the length and frequency of external magnet application to keep the skin above the subdermal magnet viable. Throughout the treatment regimen I would be risking rejection if I damage the tissue too much. If you decide to try this, be careful and don't use a monster magnet trying to do it all at once.
  6. What do you think a doctor would say if you decided to have it removed professionaly? Seriously though...
  7. I actually removed it myself about three months ago.  I thought it would be simple, since the main reason I wasn't satisfied with it was that it seemed too close to the surface.  Especially compared with the one I did on my middle finger, that one is pretty deep, have to feel around to locate it and it's very sensitive, although it doesn't do the bar room tricks of picking up paperclips and bottlecaps as well. 
    Turned out to be really difficult, it had been in for maybe four months, so it was bound to the tissue around it.  While I thought I'd just make an incision and use a combination of tweezers and a stronger magnet to just slide it way.  I had to cut almost a 3/4 circle around the magnet, then actually get the scalpel under it to cut the tissue underneath, before getting it out.  
    After giving it two months to heal, I just did another implant on that finger. There is a lot to be said for experience, after doing two implants and a removal; this only took about 5 minutes; aside from prep work.  Put it in a few days ago and while it's early to tell, I'm very happy with the placement now.  
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