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Anesthetic/Medication Introduction Methods

I've seen a lot of posts scattered over the forums about various types of anesthetics, and a few regarding introducing the medication into your system, but these seem to be fairly limited, addressing local injections and nerve blocks. I also wondered if there were a way to utilize implants to deliver medications like Nootropics, antibiotics and the like. So, I figured I'd ask a few questions. 
  1. What is your preferred method for administering anesthetics?
  2. What are some of the other methods you know of for administering anesthetics or medications?
  3. What is your anesthetic of choice?
  4. Do you have any ideas for better introducing medications into the body using implants?


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  1. @Cassox Have you had any experience using Iontophoresis to introduce anesthetics?

  2. I have an IsoMed constant flow infusion pump laying around somewhere...any ideas for that?
  3. as long is your molecule is small enough, there's always transdermal. i like the sound of a nootropic patch.

    the isomed would be problematic, i think. As with so many implanted devices, the issue with that would be with area at the skin barrier. If you were using this device for nootropics, i assume you would be walking about with it. that would be bad news bears.

    You would need something fully implanted to avert this issue, and then you wouldn't have enough room to sustain a reasonable dose for a justifiable amount of time.

  4. You can also use slightly larger molecules as long as they have a charge, through a process called Iontophoresis. I've heard it could be used to introduce anesthetics, but the main uses I know about are introducing Steroids to areas like joints, where steroids run the risk of introducing infection (Plus getting a monster needle stabbed into a joint sounds like it would hurt a bit), and introducing acidic solutions to dissolve calcium spurs. The only down sides I know about are the requirement of a charged molecule and a continuous supply of power.
  5. lidocaine has the charge needed. as do the racetam family of nootropics. regardless, they are all under the category of 'small molecules'.

    from what i've read about the technique, you do it like a dosage, not a continuous run. doing that continuously or repeatedly i think might have some negative side effects. brute forcing molecules through cell walls seems like 'do it quick and turn off the juice' kind of application.
  6. Yeah. I wonder how quickly it operates. Might be practical if we ever go a centralized implant clinic going. That'd be an interesting venture.
  7. @TheGreyKnight working on it ;) Regulatory laws in my state are fairly lax, but since it's also quite socially conservativd getting my legislators to swallow biohacking will be quite tough :(
  8. What state are you referring to? I can probably help with some of the legal elements, as long as my name is never on anything public. 
  9. As long as we don't violate any laws, and have a lot of CMA requirements on our waivers, are we going to have many problems?
  10. My best bet would be to operate as a private research facility. That removes the problems of commercial enterprise complications. It depends on the state as to waivers and other similar issues, but if anyone who actually performed any procedure on another person, they should probably be certified through the licensing board for body modification professionals. 
  11. @glims Do you know if it's possible to induce a weak charge in other Nootropic or anesthetic molecules?
  12. well, you wouldn't be inducing the charge, you would just be utilizing the natural charged state of the molecule, but yes, many molecules have charges. heck, water has a charge. i was just saying those molecules cause i know that they have the positive charge on them that is required for the process.
    what are you thinking here?
  13. Trying to figure out whether you could alter the charge of other molecules to a level that they could be utilized in the process as well. 

  14. ah, i see what you are saying. hmm, well, usually altering the charge of a molecule has a tendency to alter the structure of the molecule, sometime irreversibly. however, you could add something that altered the charge that was designed to be broken down or removed internally. we do stuff like that at my lab sometimes.

    can you give me a for instance?
  15. I think that's pretty much what I was thinking about. My field of experience has been primarily with Electricity and physics. The best analogy I could give would be representing the molecule with an unenergized electromagnet and the Iontophoresis machine as a Permanent magnet. When the electromagnet, which would be oriented so that the pole it produced would be of the same polarity as the pole of the permanent magnet, is energized, it repels itself from the permanent magnet, but can later be turned off to eliminate the magnetic field.

    So pretty much a molecule that possess a positive charge initially, before losing the charge and reverting to it's default nature inside the body.
  16. from what i read, the molecule just needs to contain a positive charge. not be positively charged. the difference is in stability. many molecules have a positive charge in them, very few hang out for any amount of time in an unbalanced positive only state.

    using your analogy, any molecule which is polar always has a positive charge somewhere on in it. the molecule acts as a permanent magnet while the device acts as an electromagnet. the addition of electricity charges the device and pushes or pulls the molecule. this would make more sense as altering molecular charge states with just energy tends to make them break or attach things to them. this is why we heat and cool chemicals to change them.
  17. Gotcha. That helps. Been awhile since my last chemistry class.
  18. DangerousThings sells lidocaine. Injection form. Probally safer if you buy lidocaine in a gel form. If your injecting magnets lidocaine is really not needed. Ice before injection, neosporin anti pain, ice for swelling, and tylenol for throbbing. It would be nice to get a hold of novacaine..
  19. do you do better managing stress with Racatams or nutraceuticals? I thought you might find this helpful... The smart drug DARPA dosen't want you to take...
  20. Transdermal suits me, for starters. I'm still fascinated with that Ted talk by Australian doctor Mark Kendall on his Nanopatch syringe replacement some six months after the fact.
    Lidocaine is painful when injected, though I'd much rather use that than rush through an implant procedure to prevent that icy numbness wearing off.
    Three articles that may spark some other ideas: 

  21. That wireless implant could be useful. I'm kinda wondering what the melting of the platinum-titanium alloy could do to you though... Wouldn't you feel that?
  22. Quickly scanned the full text but it didn't say from what I read.
    "The microchip implant device was well tolerated by the patients on the basis of surveys conducted throughout the study (table S4). The patients responded favorably, indicating that they would repeat the procedure to implant such a device again, they were satisfied with the implant location, the implant site was comfortable, and they tolerated the size of the implant."
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