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Arkansas, US bans (some) body modifications: Conspiracy Fun


This bill was apparently passed by the Arkansas State Senate in April. It effectively bans scarification and subdermal implantation by body artists.

Interesting. Once almost has to wonder if it really is simply a conservative state trying to stop people from looking funny. Hmmm...

Ok, so conspiracy theory time. Although this is at a state level, could it be the beginings of social engineering by our American Federal overlords? It would obviously apply to just about any implant we would do. Along these same lines, have you though about the show H+ and how absolutely anti-grinder anti-transhumanist it really is? If you get this implant, you will die. Nothing anyone has even proposed at this point is even remotely a threat, but hey, we are talking about a government that gave radioactive milk to mothers and told them it was a vitamin supplement. Thoughts?



Displaying all 9 comments
  1. I think that if they were going to try social engineering on a bigger scale than the state level, that they'd probably just end up taxing the fuck out of these mods rather than banning them outright, as they've done with tobacco.  I don't think this necessarily qualifies as a "conspiracy theory," though, since there's no real conspiracy required here.

    As for H+, this is nothing new; the media in general tends to be anti-transhumanist.  After all, out of all the movies in which a character (or characters) modify themselves in some transhumanist manner, how many times does it completely go wrong?  Sure, you have movies like The Six Million Dollar Man and Inspector Gadget, but I tend to find those to be the exception rather than the rule.
  2. I went to the APP (association of professional piercers) 2013 conference and got to hang out with the Dangerous Things guys and some body modification artists. I attended a class there on industry legislation. Every town has its own laws. Some places regulate genital piercings as a sex act. Some places don't allow tongue splitting, or microdermals, or whatever. It is something the industry has struggled with quite a bit. So I view this Arkansas thing as just another backwards moving bit of legislation and unfortunately it is nothing new. 

    But since we are talking conspiracies...I could see the medical device industry lobbying against subdermal implants in light of the blatant patent rape about to occur in the Grinding community. They have some money to throw around too. <Not that legislation will stop any of it>
  3. I don't know much about patent law, but as long as the people sharing designs and information aren't charging for it, you aught to be able to slip by, especially if the design is lightly different, or uses mass produced parts instead of custom components. 
  4. You don't need custom parts to have a patent, you can patent an arrangement of existing components if it adds to "the art", i.e., does something new and justifiably useful.

    And if you have a patent, you can still share your work if you choose. All it gives you is the right to exclude - you get to tell other people THEY can't do it or share it, but you still get to if you so choose.
  5. > (7)  "Subdermal implanting" means the insertion of an object under the skin of a live human being for ornamentation or decoration;
    >for ornamentation or decoration

    This could be considered a legal grey area in the sense that the subdermal implants grinders get have a somewhat practical purpose. Referring to neodymium magnets and Grindhouse Wetware's Bottlenose project. Like the judicial system would care. Worse legislation is bound to come I imagine.
  6. If anyone knows people in Detroit, perhaps they should be leaned on to make their city more grinder-friendly. They're probably open to any suggestions that will make the city more attractive to people at this point.

  7. @countseven: And thus, Sarif Industries was born.
  8. @zombiegristle: And that would be such a terrible thing xD

    Seriously though, you can outright buy houses there for less than 3 grand.
  9. Make Detroit a grinder heartland :D It's not like anybody else is using it... :P
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