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magnets came in today, numbing question

Hi all, my magnets came in today, and I'm very excited to put them in, but have a few last questions.

Everywhere I read says to do a digital nerve block, but Sovereign Bleak's install on vimeo did a local injection. Is there any consensus or opinions on which of these is better and why?  Is one safer than the other or does one work better than the other?

Also I was planning on just using superglue to seal up after. Is there any complications with this I should know about ahead of time?  My main concern is that the magnet will try to push out while it's gluing, although I guess superglue drys pretty rapidly.



Displaying all 9 comments
  1. Ok, I prefer a nerve block myself. It lasts longer and block throughout the entire depth of the finger. Furthermore, the pad of the finger hurts like hell to stick a needle into. But... it's just a preference. There is no real reason a simple local injection wouldn't work. It could start to wear off while your working, but hey, just do it again.


    As far as using super glue goes... I advise augmenting it with a layer of benzoin tincture on each side of the wound and steristrips. This will cost you a couple of bucks, but will definitely help you to accomadate the laceration.

  2. More on using superglue: I used superglue for my magnetic implant without too much trouble, but there are some issues that deserve attention. First of all, don't rely on the superglue to close the incision. If the incision can't be closed easily or the magnet tries to "push out," either the magnet has not been inserted deeply enough or not enough tissue has been cleared away to make room for the magnet. This is a perfect formula for rejection, so make sure the magnet stays in on its own before closing the wound. Secondly, superglue dries hard and brittle, so plan on removing the edges and reapplying superglue for the following week if you chose this method.' In subsequent surgeries, I have used the liquid skin bandage available at the drug store. This closes the wound as well as the superglue but remains flexible after application. You still need to keep a close eye on it and reapply as necessary for a full 10 days. If the incision is larger than 3mm, you will need a stitch IMO.
  3. Have any of you tried basic over the counter topical analgesics? My magnet order comes in on Saturday, and that is what I was planning on using. 
  4. @Cassox Any tips for doing the nerve block?
  5. Here's my Nerve Block Video.

    I also addressed it in a blog I wrote, that I've already kind of promoted here once. So in the name not being too blatantly self-promoting, I'll PM you the address.




  6. I already promoted you in the wiki and the suggestion thread. I'll be expecting my commission promptly ;)
  7. just to chime in, i didnt do a nerve block and just did a bunch of local injections.  it was super easy and completely numb for a good hour or so.
  8. Well, here's my two cents: I didn't inject anything at all, just applied a tourniquet to the base of the finger, just short of the knuckle. All you need to do that is a hair band and some patience. My finger was sore for about 20 minutes after, but that as it. and it also has the added benefit of limiting the bleeding while you're trying to see how deep you've cut.
  9. Agreed, For the most part, if you have a body mod artist perform the procedure this is what they'll do as well. Ice and a hair band works well together. The reason I prefer a little local: Frustration, pain, and surgery aren't a good combination. I've dissected many different animals, including human cadavers, and doing a really pretty job is nearly always tedious and includes frustration. The hardest part of any insert in my opinion is making the pocket. You really have to dig in and cut/break apart the connective tissue. Because the finger is rich in nerves, the very nerves we want near our magnets, being over-zealous is not good. You have to take your time and play with it to get the pocket just right. On someone else, this is easy. When your working with one hand on your other hand... frustrating and perhaps even time consuming. So pain? Why? It's not neccesary. I'm not against pain. I'm interested in trying suspension etc... but when I'm doing an implant I want perfect positioning, with minimal to no scarring. I want it perfect, and if I have no pain, I'm more likely to get it exactly exactly right.

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