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Various questions, follow ups, and update requests

Mkabala: So, have you gotten any sensation out of your 0.75X1.0mm ? I have some around and am considering it. Also, I could have sworn I read at some point that you have like a 7mm somewhere? Was that you? Can't find the thread.

Tim116: Hows digit 3 healing up? Do you have sensation yet? What size/type of magnet did you use? Also, have you done the Big Toe?

Amal: Perhaps I've missed it. I've look at your blog and various threads etc, but were I to implant an RFID now, what would be the best tag, reader, and phone combo?

ThomasEgi (as well as other electronically savy folk): I want a clock/alarm circuit that gives a very minor "pulse" on the hour to an electrode that will stimulant a small muscle twitch or nerve. While there are tons of functions I really want, this super simple timer seems feasible/ doable. The output might be as low as 2mv and still have an effect. With this circuit, I'd like to try for an induction charging system. Can you help me design it?

DirectorX: Can you give us an update on your earphone implants?


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  1. as for the electronic part: sure i can help. best to contact me on irc so we can have a chat about the details
  2. I wonder...would installing a haptic alarm give you a "sense of time"? As in occupy a new neuroplastic region of the brian like the EMF/Northpaw sense? Might be interesting to be the only guy on earth that always knows intuitively exactly what time it is :) Edit: Also, while we're asking for updates, has there been any progress on the implantable geiger counter @ThomasEgi ?
  3. no news on the geiger counter. we'd still have to do the basics first. a clock implant would be a great way to pave that path.
  4. .7mm was a typo. I was referring to the .75 x 1mm implant. I have had no sensation coming from this implant at all. Either the placement is wrong or the implant simply does not have enough mass/size to sufficiently stimulate the surrounding nerves. Given that, I can't recommend it as an implant candidate. The only way I can tell that it's still there is that it's strong enough to hold an external magnet on the skin. It's extremely easy to knock the external magnet free though. Even shaking my finger will jar it loose. There is one fun trick that I can do though. If I place a magnet over the .75 x 1mm implant, I can tap my ring finger with my adjacent middle finger and cause the magnet to jump to the 3 x 1mm implant in my middle finger.
  5. Sorry, Cassox. I'm going to close this thread in order to keep contexts in the correct place(s).

    Can you please address these questions to the particular thread that they were discussed before, or in a direct message to the user that you are following up with?
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