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List of stuff we would like inside our bodies

So i was thinking, i love the idea of having stuff implanted. but i cant think of many things that actually make sense to implant. so i was thinking, lets make a list of things we want to see implanted or would actually make sense to have implanted. the only catch is "BRAIN IMPLANTS" or "Dues ex style arms" obviously isnt possible. im think a list of things that could be done, if we figured out the couple things holding us back now, like a simple power source or way to conect to external devices.


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  1. a watch the glows through the skin
    a Geiger counter
  2. Some kind of control unit for mp3-players would be nice.
  3. @bull, why not an ACTUAL MP3 player?
  4. Better to implant I/O devices rather than the actual devices they control, that way you don't have to worry about upgrading next time they come out with a bigger iPod. Future-proof implants, if you will.

    I want permanent subdermal electrodes that I can use for tDCS without having to wear a headband, and a subvocal microphone that transmits over bluetooth.
  5. I wouldn't mind a bone conduction hearing implant, the subvocal microphone like zombie said, and perhaps a couple gigs of bulk storage, for some really secure data relaying, or just for things you don't want to lose.  (I misplace thumb drives all the time).
  6. My solution for the storage idea, is use an NFC chip implant to store the location of a cloud storage directory - so you scan your hand and your data is all there. This is what I'm currently doing with my NFC chip from dangerousthings, it has the location of an encrypted Dropbox folder stored in it. As a bonus, you can modify the data in the cloud from a laptop or other device, so you don't have to keep re-scanning your implant, extending its lifespan.
  7. Why would scanning an RFID reduce its lifespan? I've never seen anything indicating that these things wear out if they're used too much.
  8. It's actually the rewrite cycles that eventually wear out the RFID tag, just like with memory blocks on a microcontroller, rather than just reading the RFID's information.
  9. That's an awesome idea, and I'm slightly ashamed that it hadn't occurred to me.
  10. I want a "pacemaker alarm clock." Essentially, I want to replicate a pacemaker unit, but implant the electrode superficially. Perhaps in an arm. Rather than 60 to 70 pulses a minute... I just want it to pulse once an hour so that I have a time indicator. I would like to be able to interface with it wirelessly and set up an alarm to go off at set times during which there would be a series of something like 10 pulses. Compared to 60-70 pulses a minute in a unit that lasts as long as 20 years... I imagine the battery life would last till my death.
  11. I'd like a Fitbit that can be charges through the skin. They already have the little bugger small enough in my Flex, but it needs a USB cable to charge it.
  12. "However, data cannot be downloaded off the fitbit website unless one pays the premium membership price of $49 per year. Intraday data analysis cannot be downloaded at all."

    doesnt that sorta go against grinding? wouldnt we want something that does what fitbit does, but free and no 3rd party to deal with?
  13. adrenal microelectrodes
    some sort of device that functions as a sedative
    infrared devices for my eyes
    something to turn hearing on and off at will (don't ask)
  14. @zombiegristleIan see this comment amal says the rfid chips are rated for 100,000 cycles, I don't think wearing them out is likely to be a problem. 

    Hypermoloch I've also thought about how being able to turn on/off ones hearing would be handy (although somewhat dangerous), currently people with hearing aids can already do this (and hook them up to other data sources), I'd quite like to get a cochlear implant, but right now the audio resolution is still not very good, so I'll just wait a bit.
  15. Turn off hearing? Shut up and take my money :D

    I live near the rails and can't sleep with open window in summer. That would be awesome.

    You can get cochlear implants without medical need?
  16. @Facesitting_Bull : 1. Procure bobby pin 2. Poke hole in eardrum 3. Medical need 4. ????? 5. PROFIT!! Or medical tourism :)
  17. I doubt you'd find a doctor in the West willing to do cochlear implants without need, but as Saal says, medical tourism would probably work. but the sound  quality from the current cochlear implants is still pretty poor, so I'd wait awhile.
  18. Internal compass (as already demonstrated)
    Subdermal (encrypted) data storage device.
    Hormone control.
  19. Lovetron9000 (prepping for kickstarter)
    Internal heating & cooling unit
    Voice modulator
    Extra lung/forced respiration unit (best if paired with heating/cooling unit above)
    Contact mic
    too many to name...

  20. Oh, one more thing. 

    A taser implanted in my hand somehow, with an activation sequence that would be absurdly difficult to do accidentally.  
  21. A communicator that connects to my larynx and uses bone conduction for the sound. Our brains still sends a signal to our larynx when we 'talk internally'. I did once hear of experiments to use this to talk without actually talking. This would have to be coupled with a very low power transmitter/receiver and allow us to communicate exactly like 'empaths' on Star Trek TNG, or the characters on ghost in the shell. Talking over great distances without actually talking.

    An internal (inside the eyelid/eye) viewscreen would be nice too.
  22. First up on my list:
    Implantable dosimeter (see here, here and here)
    Internal compass
    LED lights 

    That's after I get my second RFID chip, of course.
  23. What about metal studs on the knuckles? (great for self defense) Or a small light in the tip of your finger with a button at the base of your finger. like a built in flashlight.
  24. Refer to the thread on body armour for issues with knuckle studs.
  25. Until the field evolves a bit I don't think we can do any implants that are intended to take impacts, sadly. I would've been all over that for the armor thread but since starting that I've learned that impact force is like your biggest enemy with body modification.

    I still want a radio sense, and I even sent in a suggestion for the Circadia guys along those lines. I'd pay a lot for an embedded 7th sense for radio frequencies, especially if I could configure what frequency ranges and what output modes to use.

    I'm kind of done with the idea of an implanted watch or compass, those are common enough in non-implanted devices and putting them inside my body doesn't seem to offer anything. Plus, with magnetic implants you don't really need a compass anymore if you're creative.
  26. No metal studs for the above reasons obviously, but bone hardeneing is something to look into. Iron Man competitors have a whole routine to thickening hand bones (specifically metacarpal) that @Cassox looked into on his blog. There are also chemical means of doing this, but I'd be careful with ossification inducers....
  27. There tends to be a trade off, with hardened bones becoming more shatter prone. I know it sounds weird, but i think it has to do with the different types of force your bones can take. Increasing one seems to have a detrimental effect on the others.

    So, instead of what would we like inside our bodies (remember the body is not a handbag rule), maybe the question should be: what technology exists now that improves on the current systems or what exists now that can be brought up to that level?
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