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Effects of exposure to North pole magnetic fields.

Hi, I'm new to all of this, sort of. I didn't know about bio-hacking, or grinders until a few weeks ago, but I've been researching and having similar ideas to the sorts of things being discussed. A while back I found this website with various information about magnets, which I don't see anything in the discussions about the vast amount of beneficial effects of the North pole fields. Or for that matter, any discussion about the difference between North/South pole fields.


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  1. It would seem to me that if all this is true, then there would be a lot more talk of how to use those benefits and ideas about using magnets for more than implanting them into the fingertips.
    1. "Startling and almost unbelievable results are obtained from application of the correct magnetic field. Among these results are speedier wound healing, pain control without drugs, quicker mending of fractures with the bone being stronger than before the break, dissolving calciums in many types of arthritis, and control of many types of cancer some resulting in total regression."
    1. "The North pole mice became very neat and tidy, cleaning themselves frequently. They also became extremely sensitive to any noise or light variations in the laboratory. Their offspring were smaller than those of the controls. They were mentally superior to the controls and out performed the South pole young by several hundred percent in all phases of natural behavior."
  2. sorry for being a bit not so polite but. that page is bullshit. from top to bottom. whoever wrote this has no clue was magnetism actually is. and even puts on contradicting information on one and the same website. they even got earth's magnetic field wrong in the same picture, twice. claiming one pole is better than the other is like saying one side of a circle has fewer corners than the other. what else can i say, they don't even use standard physics units. like CPS (cycles per second) instead of Hz. my guess on that website. some guy put up some website overflowing with "information" full of buzzwords so people fall for it and buy some of the books/magazines. this website is a prime example of esoteric pseudoscience. including everything from scalar waves, alternative energy , HAARP etc. pretty much everything you'd be interested in if you are some conspirative perpetuum mobile constructing person who doesn't feel like going through all the trouble of actuall learning science/engineering. worst of all, they use nicola tesla's name for their fishy purpose. they should go and die in a fire for insulting a genius like that.
  3. -.-

    Dr. Walter C. Rawls and Albert Roy Davis's work can be found many places,
    Along with others 

    In the Greek and Asian cultures, magnetic therapy has been utilized for thousands of years.

    Read more: Magnets & Back Pain |

  5.  North and South magnetic fields are obviously different if you ask me, they attract each other, where North / North or South / South repel, it's nothing like saying one side of a circle has fewer corners than the other. 

    I can see why Medical Doctors would be against these ideas, it would put them out of business. 
  6. yeah... at your link it says "Although there are reports of individuals being healed by magnetic therapy, available scientific evidence does not support these claims. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers these magnets harmless and of no use for medical purposes."

    and the ehow link "there are no conclusive studies to back up its effectiveness"

    you say "In the Greek and Asian cultures, magnetic therapy has been utilized for thousands of years." this is an 'Appeal to Tradition', a well known fallacy.
    also, ""Great Secrets of Alchemy," dating from approximately 650 AD), discusses in detail the creation of elixirs for immortality (mercury, sulfur, and the salts of mercury and arsenic are prominent, and most are ironically poisonous" -
    just to prove that just because the Chinese did it for thousands of years, doesn't make it safe or beneficial.

    while I don't want to limit your freedom to try whatever treatments you want, please only post content here that is scientifically supportable.
  7. i'm not asking you to think of me as a buddhist. i am asking you not to fall for people who trying to fool you. a magnetic field pretty much is a vector field. it has a direction and strength for every given point in space. what you know as "poles" are merely convenience to describe where the field enters or exits objects you'd describe as magnets. if you follow those vectors from a certain point. you'll reach the same point again, effectively making loops, thus the cricle example. pick any point in space, and there'll be a direction and strength of the magnetic field, but no poles. additionaly, there's only a limited number of ways that magnetic fields infulence objects. and i am not aware of any that work only "one way" as the good-pole bad-pole theory of those guys would suggest. not saying that magnets themselves have zero influence on objects in general. for example oxygen is paramagnetic, it'll experience a force pulling it towards the area with higher magnetic flux density. which , in a body can lead to increased oxygen levels near the magnet. but you can still flip the magnet around and get the same effect. however, that effect is very very slim and probably won't stand a properly conducted clinical trial. as i said. don't fall for them. they mix in whatever source they can find to make their ideas look more legit. however, what they do is not science. what they do is hoax. there is no anti-magnet-doctor conspiracy, no good-pole bad-pole magnet thing. @AmmonRa i couldn't have said it any better. in fact i didn't. so.. cheers for science.
  8. No scientific research has ever been able to demonstrate an effect of static magnetic fields on the body, nor is magnetic healing based on actual science.  And if there were studies backing this up, doctors would be jumping on it as a viable treatment, not losing their jobs.

    I should add that certain substances in the body are paramagnetic or diamagnetic and therefore can in theory be affected by magnets, however, for a magnetic field to have any measurable effects on these substances, the magnets would have to be insanely strong, certainly many orders of magnitude stronger than the magnets used by magnetic healers.

    I'm sure that you'll be able to find many websites promoting magnetic healing, just like there are plenty of websites and self-pronounced doctors or scientists promoting homeopathy, that the earth is flat, or that there's a giant conspiracy to hide the fact that the earth has four simultaneous days within a single day.  But we have yet to see scientific studies to back up any of those claims.

    Sorry for being blunt, but I don't think that in general you'll find much support on these forums for pseudoscientific and/or crackpot theories.

    The magnets used in MRI scanners are many orders of magnitude more strong than the ones used in magnet therapy, and MRI scanners do not appear to induce any of the qualities claimed by magnetic healers.

    There is no physical difference between the north and south pole of the magnet.  They do not each emit a field of their own; there is but a single field.

    Magnetic healing should not be confused with legitimate and scientifically backed methods to use a strong and non-static magnetic field to induce (de)polarisation of neurons for medicinal benefits, namely transcranial magnetic stimulation.  Now that is worth looking into.
  9. I see. The FDA is a horrible administration, they pass horrible drugs with horrible side effects, many times the side effects are worse than the issue they're treating. Doctors hand out prescriptions like candy, and make lots of money for doing so. Here everything is run by greed, this is why I say Doctors would be put out of business, they would not be making the vast fortunes if the FDA were to allow natural substances to be classified as medicine. Everything is strictly regulated to ensure that people remain dosed with all kinds of chemicals and constantly going back to their doctors for tests and new drugs. They're all just a bunch of criminal drug dealers if you ask me. They would not be profiting near as greatly, as they do, without the help of the FDA keeping particular things under the carpet. 

    I don't see how anyone can say there is no scientific evidence of such things, unless you've all read everything there is to read on the subject. I certainly haven't taken the time to. But I know for a fact that in American society people are more likely to cover up the truth and resort to using something that does more harm than good in the name of profit. Gas/Oil/War economy. Nuclear power... There is no scientifically acceptable evidence of such things in America, because everyone is too concerned with living in giant mansions on the beach. 
  10. would you please be kind enough to continue such discussions on a forum dedicated to conspiracy theories, remote healing, free energy etc.? meanwhile i suggest you read through this nice article it might help you to distinguish between people who claim to do science, and those who actually do, based on the work they publish. small entirely unrelated example: that black nanja outfit of yours. my observation with many civil material (especially synthethics) is, they are highly reflective in near infrared range. thus it's my hypothesis that this is the case with your outfit too, and my prediction is that you'll be a pretty sweet and bright target on surveillance cameras. i'll leave the testing, analysation, falsification , interpretation, documentation and the publishing of results to you. and that's how science works. (not some Prof. Dr. X. claiming Y without providing evidence and a repeatable testing procedure to allow others confirming his results)
  11. Yea, I planned to leave it at that. I was also planning on doing a little experiment with cutting myself and placing the north pole of a magnet over one cut but not the other, and then one with the south pole over another to see if they affect healing times. Also as I said, I'm pretty new to all of this, and I will look further into the subject as time passes. I am interested in transcranial magnetic stimulation. And as far as what I said about the FDA, Doctors, and profit, there's nothing conspiracy theory about that. You should know this seeing as one of the goals of the biohacker community is to make beneficial technology available to all people, and not just those with $ to dish out that can afford it. As far as my "Ninja outfit" goes, I've ideas about infrared, like using a weather blanket to block in my heat from thermal, but I suppose that's for a different discussion all together. What I'm wearing in this picture is my cyber goth stuff, not ninja stuff. There is also more to stealth than just being cloaked in black, and hidden from electronic devices, such as looking like a "normal" person to blend in with a crowd. Black bloc anarchists use such tactics on a regular basis to avoid being caught.
  12. use mice, use a whole lot of them, standardize procedure, don't let yourself know what pole (and or if the device was magnetic at all) until after results are in (double blind, i can assume the mice wont know much about magnets), take photos, and (then post them, well, probably not here, if you want).

    This sounds fun even if you realize that magnet healing is silly, and that just because the medical industry is lame, it does not mean that they are responsible for 9/11 or covering up the fact that sacrificing goats will cure cancer.
  13. I have my own problems with the FDA, but let's try to stay away from tinfoil-hat land for the moment.  As has already been pointed out ad nauseum here, there is no scientific evidence as of this writing that magnetic healing of the type that you're talking about works.  I mean, the initial website you linked to misuses basic physics; a freshman physics major could probably call them out on their bullshit.  The only difference between a north and south pole is that a positively-charged particle, moving in the right direction, will move towards one and away from the other.

    Indeed, biomagnetism itself is a phenomenon that doesn't really seem to have much of an effect on things, to the extent that it even exists in the first place.  Having said that, that doesn't mean that certain magnetic fields have no effect on us.  As @rdb said, TMS uses strong, pulsed magnetic fields to achieve its effect.  I myself recently built a TMS device, because they're totally awesome.  I'm almost ready to start applying it to some target parts of the brain.  Maybe I should open a discussion of that.

    Ugh, I can't believe that that stupid fucking website even dares to call itself "teslatech."  Really, how dare they associate the great inventor Nikola Tesla with that crap?  That seriously pisses me off.

    EDIT:  Ah, looks like @ThomasEgi already noticed the use of Tesla's name as well.  Oh well, I'm pissed off enough about it that it deserves another mention.
  14. For the record, you cannot separate a north pole from the south pole of a magnet.  If you were to cut a magnet in half, each half would have its own north and south pole.  If you combine two magnets together by putting one's south pole against the other's north pole, you really get a giant magnet with one north and one south pole.  The field is of the same type at every point; it is not more south-like near the south pole or north-like near the north pole.  "north" and "south" are just arbitrary labels for the convenience of building compasses with no special meaning, and the poles are just points to describe where the magnetic field exits and enters the material.
    So, closer proximity to a particular pole does not change the nature of the field as compared to the other pole.

    You don't have to be happy with the FDA - I reckon many of us have their problems with it - but the FDA is not controlling scientific literature.  You say there has been scientific research on the topic, but can you link me to any peer-reviewed double-blind study other than the ones that have been done that show no effect?

    It's easy to fall into the there's-a-giant-coverup trap because it's a neat way to cling to a theory while avoiding having to provide proper academic references.  If you are going to argue that all of academia is covering up important knowledge that completely rewrites our understanding of magnetic fields, or the effects of small, static magnetic fields on the body, you better give us some very extraordinary evidence.
  15. ^This.  While there's been speculation that magnetic monopoles (an isolated north or south pole) exist, there's never been any evidence in their favor.  If they do exist, there are very few of them in the observable universe (actually, there was a very controversial photograph taken in 1982 of a supposed monopole, so maybe one of the few in the observable universe just happened to pass through it).  Saying that, if magnetic monopoles do exist they should be observable in the next generation of particle accelerators.

    That would be pretty awesome, actually; I can think of a number of applications for monopoles if they exist.  Unfortunately, no evidence for them exists now.  Too bad.

    "Four simultaneous days in a single day?"  I've gotta see that website...

    Timecube is a fantastic rant by an amazingly crazy person.  And while I completely disagree with PsyNinja, it's interesting to watch someone with absolutely no proof of something create an argument for it! 
  17. my all time favorite. @psyninja nearIR and thermal (far IR) radiation are not to be confused. using a weather blanket will change you from a bright target, to a twinkeling one (on regular IR cameras).
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