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Would this work?

Has anyone tried creating an single implant which can triangulate the position of a magnetic field?
I'm thinking something like this.
The extra mass and volume would definitely reduce the overall sensation but hopefully would give a better perception of direction and distance. Still the density of  Nd2Fe14B is about 5 times that of Sugru so I don't see that being too much of a problem, the extra cross-sectional area though will mean the vibrations will be spread over a about 4 times the normal area. I could reduce this by adding bumps over the top of each magnet. I could also reduce the shape to a 3 point boomerang shape but I suspect that this would weaken the it too much. 

I've also never worked with Sugru before so don't know whether this would be strong enough, probably need a plastic support in the middle to prevent them pulling together.

I'd be interested to know whether people think this will work or if anyone has had any success with a similar design.


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  1. this won't really work. it'll still act as one rigid body. you can get a spatial sense by simply implanting magnets into multiple different fingers.
  2. For the record, sugru isn't really a suitable bioproofing material.  It breaks down eventually.
  3. I agree with Thomas. Multiple readings from the same magnetic finger would also serve the same purpose. I believe that's why you see people with these implants waving their hands around things, or in the general direction of things, to get multiple readings.
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