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Magnets and jobs

So how much disapproval/trouble do you think I'd get in if I got the magnet implants and signed up for the navy. Think I could get away with it or would I have to wait til I get out of the military?


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  1. Also, have the magnet implants affected any of your work lives and how so?
  2. I work in a convenience store and as an advertising salesman. My magnet (ring finger, right hand) has never really affected either. It's one of those things you don't think about until you feel an electric field. I dot bring it up to co-workers and they never know the difference.
  3. Well I know you have to go through a pretty thorough medical examination Ion to go military and was wondering if I'd be able to get it by them.
  4. If they for any reason will put you in an MRI then definitely don't do it. Also if you will be working with any powerful magnets it can get real weird. I have the household bills on the fridge and when I mess wih those, the magnets holding them up kinda "spin" my magnet which I'll tell you is not the most pleasant feeling. It doesn't so much hurt as it kinda makes me slightly nauseous.
  5. MRIs are not a huge problem as they can shield off your finger just like they do with embedded metal shrapnel.
  6. Yeh, but since he's looking at a military career, they sure as hell aren't gonna be happy if he gives them that reason for needing a shrapnel cover.
  7. Ah well, guess ill have to wait a couple years. Still a cool idea to have the magnets though.
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