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Had to have my magnet removed

Today I noticed my magnet I had implanted roughly 2-3 weeks ago was slightly poking through the skin so, knowing how bad transdermal things are with infection, I used my knife to gently pull it out, since magnets are attracted to metal it was very easy. I am hoping to re-implant it soon, I just need to order mire rubbing alcohol, another syringe, and make goddamn sure I don't lose my superglue the night before like last time. Oh well, I had confirmed I put it in too deep anyway so this is a chance to rectify my mistake :) better luck next time as they always say.


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  1. What was your implant method? 
  2. What coating have you got on this magnet and was it the rod or circle shape? 
  3. It was the needle method. It was Parylene coated, and rod shaped. It slowly moved it way down the open wound because I neglected to properly close it. I lost the superglue I was going to use the day before.
  4. I learned from my mistake and the next time I implant it, it will be more effective.
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