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Magnetic implant via injection method This is one of the first videos on the injection method, I apologize for how uninformitive it is. I was expecting to have someone videotaping me, but my buddy got called into work so I had to make do by myself. I got everything ready before I even started freezing my hand to allow me to do the procedure before my hand defrosted.if I had 1-2 of my friends here like I was originally expecting, I could have had them help setup, which would have allowed me to better explain what I was doing. I did explain originally, but I hesitated before i went in so I threw that video out and made a new one and just went at it, I even slightly hesitated for a second at the beginning of this video after I repositioned myself. Tools: 1 RFID injector 1 parylene coated neodymium magnet 1 alcohol sanitizing wipe 1 bitch sticker(bandaid) 1 paper towel 1 latex glove 1 Neosporen Procedure: Remove sterile injector from package, insert magnet into needle tip. Fill bowl/pot/bucket with ice water, put latex glove on hand, insert hand in ice water for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes remove hand from bowl, and remove latex glove. Wipe finger clean with sanitization wipe. Insert injector into finger, be sure to not go too deep. Push down on plunger until you feel the magnet come out. Apply pressure on magnet as you remove the injector. Apply neosporen. Apply bandaid Keep bandaid on until bleeding subsides, once bleeding stops it is safe to remove bandaid. The procedure is virtually painless, I recall in earlier posts people were talking about needing procedures with less pain, as I said I felt no real pain, just physical pressure and anxiety. That's about it. I have provided virtually idiot proof step-by-step instructions on implanting the magnet.


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  1. Is placement relavent? How deep would you say you went and where on your finger? 

    Make sure to let us know about the sensitivity.
  2. Thanks, that video was very informative with your description. I just don't like that your finger its just floating around(kinda) i'd like to find some slight restraining method, to keep it very still.  Just because I don't know if I trust myself to not flinch, and to keep it steady so I could aim properly.

    Also, I was thinking of numbing my hand before I did it by sitting on it much in the way you would go about attempting "the stranger" haha.

  3. I think it would feel quite odd to have the whole hand fixed when doing this since we are used to have one hand holding what we are about to manipulate with the other one actually doing the manipulation. Might help, though, couldn't test that one.
    That said, the real problem is the skin being to thick and resisting, so it kinda eludes being cut.
    Oh, and if you want to numb your hand via "bloodloss", I'd rather use a rubber band or something to cut off the circulation, this might also help keeping the  bleeding to a minimum.
  4. Freezing your hand is my preferred method of numbing at the moment. It works well to slow both pain and bloodloss
  5. Thanks for the video. I recently found my thought-to-be-lost magnets, and I've been contemplating a second, multi-magnet implant. After reading about other people's experiences, it looks like injection is the preferred method - and I'm not particularly eager to do another implantation via incision, as there was more than a great deal of pain. I will definitely be referencing this for my next procedure.
  6. So how many people here have actually used injection to get their magnets in?  I only know of me and BrandonKing.  Anyone remember how they did it, their pain levels, size of magnets, etc?
  7. @Saumanahaii I honestly have no idea who else has done this method. It's still very new, and when I learned of it, was still ONLY hypothetical. I was still acquiring everything I needed when you did yours, or I would have done mine earlier. We are definitely the pioneers of this new method. In addition to the lower amounts of pain, because it does less tissue damage it will obviously heal quicker. I don't remember if I mentioned it already, but my biggest worry is I might have out it too deep. If its too deep it will be in more muscle than nerve cluster so you will get lower sensitivity, if any at all, is my prediction. We don't have much information about any of this other than experience, and trial and error. Its still healing so I may have a hard time feeling the waves until its fully healed and stops pulsating from being sore. But if my fears are realized and it is indeed too deep, I need to prepare to remove it, allow it to heal again, and retry. It was a bit of a bitch getting the syringe all the way into my finger, it went in but refused to go all the way throug the skin at first.
  8. There is little to none muscle in the finger(tips), (if any.. don't think there is any) so the magnet is in collagen/fat. In any case, I found it possible to pull it further to the surface with another magnet, since then I don't worry about it being too deep.
  9. Well that's good to know, I will get another magnet soon to try and pull it up a bit.
  10. So, just another question. You inserted the needle from the side at an angle.  Any particular benefit to that? Was that just the approach you took randomly or does that decrease the chance of missing an artery/bone?
  11. I planned it at an angle, not for any real health reasons, just added comfort for my hand holding the needle, I could rest part of my right hand along the edge of my left, or at least that was the idea. If I was more experienced it would have went like that, but it was my first time so I was going slow and also the skin resisted puncture for a bit.
  12. Update: I got my first sensation today, in my school library, the thing they rub the books on during check out has a powerful magnet in it. I felt it, I ran both hands across, hovering it a bit like three times just to make sure it is what I think it is. I haven't been able to feel anything else, which I believe confirms my suspicions it's too deep in the fat and not enough in the nerve cluster.
  13. Any specific shape or size for the magnet that you think would give the best results in this method?
  14. I know what you mean about those checkout things. (Same thing they use for electronics at places like wal mart) they put off an insane amount of sensation even five feet away!
  15. Sounds like I should stay in waiting mode, and see how the injections work out, before deciding whether to visit an artist or order the needle.
  16. Has anyone tried encasing the magnet in glass, similar to an RFID implant?  It seems that this would be an ideal way to bioproof the magnet.  It has the advantage of being a proven method.  The magnet could be epoxied to the inside of the glass capsule to increase the vibration sensitivity and then sealed inside.  This would be ideal for the injection method since you could use a pet RFID injector to perform the implant.  Would a 2mm x 12mm capsule be too large for a fingertip?

    Of course, if the capsule got broken, you'd need to remove the implant before it deteriorated or the glass shards migrated to a place where they would be dangerous.  Usually these things are placed in a area with loose skin to protect them from crushing, so I would have to consider that before going ahead with the implant.  I might try supergluing the capsule to my skin to test sensitivity before making a final decision where to implant it.

    My biggest remaining problem is locating a source for the glass capsule and finding a way to seal the open end without overheating the magnet and destroying its magnetic properties.  If anyone has any information on the subject, I'd like to know.

  17. The glass used to encase RFID transponders comes in tube form and is typically sealed by melting with a laser. This method is used to protect sensitive electronics from over-heating so damage to the magnet will not be a concern. The smallest bioglass tubes I've seen are 1mm by 8mm but could probably be made shorter with relative ease. A small amount of epoxy would likely be used to hold the magnet in place.

    I think the biggest issue is that the glass is easily crushed if pinched between bone and an external blunt force. Because the magnet must be implanted into the finger tip to be effective, glass is not a viable coating candidate.
  18. I'd still like to try it.  Do you know of anyone who would be able to seal the magnet inside the container?
  19. I've chatted with a few glass tag manufacturers and they aren't into it. It also seems that the glass tube thickness is probably way too high to create a viable magnetic implant that can fit into a fingertip.
  20. @BrandonKing
    I had been thinking about an injection method, hypothetically like you, and searching around I found out you had done it. My idea was pretty much the same method you used.
    Good to know that it worked out. I'm now more decided to put mine in like that, even considering depth is harder to get right.
    Just a couple questions:
    Did you get the injector already without a chip? And, the magnet was cylindrical, right? Like the ones from Supermagnetman?
  21. FWIW brainstorm42: My piercer used a 4g needle, which he inserted in the centre of my finger pad and then angled to the right. The magnet was a 3mm x 7mm cylinder coated in parylene. Regarding your other question: I recall reading a quote from Amal, where he talked about buying a sterile microchip injector and tossing that tag away.
  22. @brainstorm42 I got the injector from Hong Kong, and it came with an RFID chip that I lost the same day I put my magnet in, and yeah, I got mine from SuperMagnetMan, cylindrical, 2mm X 7mm
  23. @BrandonKing: I found injectors for about $10 USD, I'm gonna buy a couple to start tinkering around. As @kjwx said, I can simply toss away the chip.

    But another thing, I can't seem to find the 2x7 parylene coated magnets on SuperMagnetMan's website! The link that's around the site returns a "Product does not exist" page... There are 0.7x1.0 mm magnets, which may be too small, but for 30 cents I might try. There's also a 3.5x6.5mm one but it's too thick for the injector.

    Does somebody know if anyone has had success with gold-plated magnets? I already have a few 1x2mm cylindrical ones, but in some posts they advice against them. I don't know if gold itself is biocompatible enough, or if the coating is sturdy enough to survive inside.
  24. Gold-plated magnets: You mean without any other coating? Apparently it was thought to be an option as long as you opted for white or yellow gold that was greater than 14k - and assuming you weren't allergic to the metal, of course. But Cassox writes on his Augmentation Limitless site that this just doesn't cut it in the bioproofing stakes. Have you tried contacting SuperMagnetman &/or K&J Magnets to see if they have any suitable stock not listed online? Or seeing if there's interest in another group buy?
  25. Yeah, the ones with gold instead of nickel. AFAIK they're 14k yellow gold coated, and I'm not allergic, but I'd rather try the parylene first as there are more documented successful procedures. Also if Cassox doesn't trust it, I believe I shouldn't either.
    Actually contacting SuperMagnetMan never crossed my mind... silly me.
    I'll drop him a line, and let you all know what happens.
  26. Gold itself is pretty inert and quite suited as coating material. But the unspecified thickness, purity and overall quality of average magnet coating makes it a bit of a dangerous adventure.
  27. @ThomasEgi that's my concern... I don't know enough about the magnets to trust them!
    I kept checking the other threads and found out that @BrandonKing once used the 0.7x1.0 magnets with his method (the 30c ones that SMM still sells), so I'm just gonna buy a bunch of those and try it out. However, I already contacted sales to know if we can still get the 2x7mm ones.
  28. @brainstorm42 Yeah I know, apparently they no longer sell the ones I used, which sucks because I need to reimplant it, so I have been talking to Cassox about creating a custom one with 3 cylindrical magnets coated in the dental resin, we had to shelve it for now until he is done with the infrared vision project
  29. Hi Guys.  I actually Live in Hong Kong.  Can you please tell me where you bought this as i want to also 'buy' thanks
  30. You can find magnets on these sites This is also an old thread I think @glims is getting nostalgic. Before your post @krispyking the last post was 2013.
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