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Gathering of Grinders, XFF2012

Come to LA to celebrate the end of humanity on December 21, 2012! While you are there, check out XXF 2012.

Tim Cannon from Grindhouse Wetware will be speaking.
Director X will be speaking (unless he is paid not to)

That's right, Grinders are sharing a stage with some famous people you may have heard of Aubrey De Grey, Rachel Armstrong, Randal Koene, many other cool people.

The more Grinders that can attend the better! There will be an after party. Right now that party consists of me and a bottle of Thunderbird in a sleazy motel on Sepulveda. The party is hoping that more people will justify a venue upgrade, so come if you can!

Comment below if you plan to come. Anyone interested in room shares, ride shares, etc can comment below and we can figure out logistics. Hope to meet many of you there!


Displaying all 9 comments
  1. I'm wondering how much it will cost, I would definitely put off building my computer for this.
  2. I wish they had VIP for student offer going on, but I may get the general admission + VIP
  3. It's times like these I wish I lived on the opposite coast.  Will the talks at least be going up online?
  4. I only live like a 4-5 hour drive away from LA
  5. @BrandonKing: Excellent, I hope to see you there
  6. @Saumanahaii the rumor is, yes, they will be posted online. There are a couple of people road tripping from the East Coast, if that impacts your decision.
  7. If I can go, I'm probably just going to get the student ticket. I don't have a car yet, so my attendance depends on if I can get my buddy Drew to go also, I'm offering to buy his ticket for him to help coax him. The most expensive part will be the lodging, I work as an independent contractor, a Sales Representative currently, it's decent paying when I actually work, I need to get some appointments lined up for the coming holiday, hopefully I can make enough to cover the whole trip without resorting to my financial aid, I'm using that to build my computer.
  8. I just might then.  Don't hold your breath, though.  These last few months have not been my richest moments.
  9. I may be unable to go because I am deciding to upgrade my keyboard for the computer I'm building from the $80 Cyborg V5 to the $300 Cyborg S.T.R.I.K.E. 7 It's a hella badass keyboard with an LCD Touchscreen and it's hella modular, I couldn't pass this up so I have to make some sacrifices since I'm tight on money, as is my computer will cost me around $2700. It's all top of the line, except my GPU I have the Radeon 7970 and the 7990 is the most recent, but that is like $1000 by itself so yeah I'm stickin to the one I currently have planned.
Displaying all 9 comments