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Which magnet is better?

I am looking into getting a magnet implanted in my ring fingertip and have narrowed my choices down to 2 magnets found on Either the Titan or the xG3. I like that the xG3 comes with its own syringe so I could do the installation alone. However, I have heard that the shape is not ideal for sensing magnetic fields and the Titan is advertised to be the best of its kind, being coated in titanium. I want a decent balance between magnet sensitivity and lifting capability.


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  1. the titan is going to be worth it if you want a sensing magnet.

  2. Yeah. Look at the diameter of the XG3. It's huge for that purpose. The Titan would be the way to go.

  3. @Cassox have you gotten a chance to take a look at a titan? Samuel has been looking to come up for a visit and he has a few you could examine. Might even be willing to part with one if you're so inclined

  4. I'd love to get a chance to take a look! I keep meaning to beg one off Amal.

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