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implantation of the onion omega2 or the vocore2 as an alternative to the raspberry pi 0

I have been interested in the project for a little while now, and my one issue with it is the size of the implant. I have been trying to find better alternatives to a raspberry pi 0w, and what I have come up with is the onion omega2 and the vocore2. From what I can tell the onion omega2 is the best out of the box solution. When you power the onion omega 2 it creates a hotspot for you to connect to, and you are able to control a Linux box through your browser. The vocore2 is an even smaller footprint, but more tinkering would required to get it to work. I know that the onion omega2 would work as an implant, so I might purchase a vocore2 to see if I can get that one to work. (I am most interested with the vocore2 as it is one square inch in area) If anyone knows of a smaller sbc that can run Linux, or knows of a qi receiver that is 1inch by 1inch please let me know. Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated.


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  1. Hey @tallowycape, great timing. We have a group of people working on a smaller version of the pegleg on the DT discord:

    Chimpo, Devilclarke, Donfire, and I have been piecing things together. We've been calling it "bodybytes". We tried out a few WiFi SD cards, but their performance has been sub-optimal and they're difficult to source nowadays. We're just now trying to figure out a good microproc, so your insights could be really helpful. There's not many great off-the-shelf qi charging solutions that fit within the form factor we had in mind, so Devilclarke and I will probably end up designing a custom one and we'll through it all together on a flex PCB.

    I'll let them know about your post.

  2. i just joined the server! ill reach out to you

  3. Hey so I know it's been a minute but the Qi receiver in an implantable form factor is coming along nicely. I'm just working out some kinks with the current limit while some other clever individuals work out the code that will run on the VoCore chip. Currently it's Gossa which is a fileserver. Once the Qi charger is more reliable in the next revision I'll publish it open source for anyone who wants to use it as a reference for your own implants.

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