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magnetic shielding


I want to get a magnetic implant start of my biohacking journey really..

But since I work with computer parts I need some sort of magnetic shielding (finger implant) to not blast cpu's and mainboards to smithereens:( )

Idea's please!

Thanks :)


Displaying all 8 comments
  1. What you'd basically need is a material with high magnetic permeability.  One such material that's sometimes used is Permalloy, which is an alloy of iron and nickel.

    Honestly, though, I'm not sure how necessary this is.  Although the neodyms are strong for their size, they're pretty weak overall.  The magnets can scarcely pick up objects the size of a paperclip; you're definitely not going to blast your motherboard.

  2. Thanks!

    The old implants are not availible anymore (hand implant strong enough to lift a tablespoon I assume this changes matters a bit surely). What are your thoughts on that? (samppa neo dynium magnet btw)

    Currently I am searching for some materials to perhaps make a glove of some sorts.

    Thanks again!
  3. the only computer equipment you'd have to protect are floppy disks, and maybe magnetic-tape storage systems. both hardly used anymore.

    cpus, mainboards, harddisks, optical drives are totaly fine, even with a lot stronger magnets.

    the point is, electronics is sensitive to high voltages. those can be induced by magnetic fields , but the induced voltage induced mainly depends on 2 things, change in strength of the magnetic field, and the time/speed at which that change happens.
    even if your magnet is strong. in terms of electromagnetism, the speed of your hand is about that of snail trying to win a drag race.

    so the only thing you have to be careful with are magnetic storage systems. except for harddisks as those require very strong magnetic fields to be affected at all.

    If you work with electronic parts, magnetic implant or not, i'd rather recommend ESD protection gloves, instead of magnetic shielding.
  4. Well, the idea that magnets can erase things like hard disks is a bit of an urban legend, anyway.  Don't get me wrong, hard disks are sensitive to magnetic fields, but, as @ThomasEgi pointed out, what matters is the rate of change in the magnetic field (technically, the rate of change in magnetic flux, but the distinction isn't really important here).  You're not going to erase a hard disk with any magnet you're realistically going to find at home, and certainly not with the neodyms.

    You can (and I have) erase things like cassette tapes and floppy disks, but not hard disks or CPUs.  If you still want to make a magnetic shielding glove, though, what you need to search for are materials with a high magnetic permeability.  Those are your best bet.

  5. Thank you two for your reactions I confess my knowledge is still lacking :P.I knew that the hdd was myth was just worried about other parts :) you two reassured me loads I am most likely getting my implant this saturday 

    I have an nice esd kit :) no gloves yet tho so going to buy those too and still planning on looking into a magnetic shielding glove some fun diy :).


  6. On top of everything that has been said about the risk of damaging electronic/magnetic items being very low, I think the easiest way to protect things from the magnet is simply increasing the distance between them.
    Example: I can easily hang a paper clip off my (one week old) magnet when my skin is exposed. But with the 2-3mm of bandaging that i have over it now, the paper clip isn't hardly even perceivably attracted to the underlying magnet.
    So i suggest that if you are still worried you could use any old glove (as long as it isn't going to generate static). Or maybe a rubber thimble.
  7. So, i'm still interested in a shielding device, i'd be working with large subwoofers instead of computers.  These subwoofers have huge neodymium magnets(up to 400 oz) but most will be around 60.  I'm worried that they pinch the hell out of my skin.  
    Would a permalloy layer on a glove be good enough? Where could i get it?  

  8. if you are working with such strong magnets, my advice would be to simply not get any magnetic implants. it's like asking for trouble. i'd recommend to help developing and testing other projects instead. e.g. there is the possibility to build a much more sensitive magnetic-sensing implant based on electronics, which is not magnetic itself.
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