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Custom Implant for Payment from Dangerous Things

Amal converted a payment microcard for me into an implant. Works perfect and it is so amazing to pay with my hand.

size of the chip is 25 mm 15 mm 0,4 mm

Greetings from Austria


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  1. I see it's been a few months from the post date. How do you feel about the implant now? Also, what happens when you change banks?

  2. @ttrammell79 said:
    I see it's been a few months from the post date. How do you feel about the implant now? Also, what happens when you change banks?

    Love it :) Glad that I can pay in the most stores in Austria with my card.

    The most people at the checkout reacted like: this is cool - how did you do this. Did you really have a card implanted.

    I work in a supermarket - so my collegues know it, that I always pay with my hand :) One of our youngest workers, said to an other customer (he know him vey well) "Please wait, and watch her, paying,.."

    Changing banks: No Problem, this is an online bank, I can send from every account money to this one.

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