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Magnets, magnetizer and Surgical stainless steel/ Surgical steel

Hello everybody,i'm new in the community. I have some ideas about magnets, and if someone could help or share something, i will appreciate that.
I will start with this issue: Risks of corrosion, rust, contamination of magnets
 My first idea is use surgical stainless steel, but this kind of material have  weak magnetic properties, or none. But in counterpart all those those problems with safety could easily solved, huh?
 I want to build a Magnetizer, to create those properties in this material and then use for implants reducing the risks.
Someone have a idea?
Anyone think this might work?
Thanx a lot people

P.S sorry about my english 



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  1. @Biobecker:  The neodymium magnets are already bioproofed (with Parylene, and occasionally with gold and nickel).  There's not much of a risk here.
  2. Though I would like having a magnet that is bioproof by itself and thus eliminating the risk altogether, they are unlikely to be strong enough to work as sensory input...
  3. There exist such materials, but they are typically very brittle.  Magnets should be encased with plastic or silicone before implanting, that significantly reduces the risk of shattering.
  4. But there is still risk using these magnet (Parylene, gold and nickel), is there a way to reduce that risk to zero?
    I mean, somebody thinks this idea of ​​using a magnetizer might work?
    I think surgical steel may become a strong magnet. And you have the possibility to connect some eletronic devices to control or expanding the magnetic field, due the electric conductivity of human body and expanding the sensory field.
     Thanx guys!

  5. @Biobecker , being alive has a 100% risk of dieing. so nothing is risk-free. but using teflon or parylene reduces risks greatly. if you take the remaining risks is up to you.

    "I think surgical steel may become a strong magnet."
    using surgical steel just won't work as it is austenite (gamma phase iron). it's paramagnetic, not ferromagnetic. so there is no way you can turn it into a magnet.

    "And you have the possibility to connect some eletronic devices to control or expanding the magnetic field, due the electric conductivity of human body and expanding the sensory field."
    that sentence makes no physical sense.

    my closest interpretation is that you ask for implanting an electronic device that does the same job as the magnets, just better. if so, yes, that's possible. and that would also give you thousands of times more sensivity. but this won't involve magnets or surgical steel anymore.
  6. @ThomasEgi  thanx pal, but we need to search more ways to reduce those risk, right?
    I started this discussion exactly to know more about surgical steel and the possibility to magnetize them :) all i can say is thanks again for the answer

    Sorry about my sentence, sorry about my english again. What i want to say is, if surgical steel was magnetic and theres no coating (plastics, or isolating things in them ), could be possible to apply some kind a current to maximize your magnetics capabilities ( with external source with some electronics/coils etc...)
    Makes sense now?
     Thats i'm said, any idea and answers will help.

    Thanks everyone

    P.S i really i want to build a magnetizer and try to magnetize stainless steel and surgical steel. I found in my research that 400 series of stainless is magnetic!!!
     I think we could try to magnetize them, what we have to lose anyway?

  7. there are many ways of how a material can be magnetic.most stainless steel are paramagnetic. that means, while they will be attracted by magnets, they wont become magnets themselves. so you would have to find a sort of steel that is ferromagnetic with a high magnetic remanence.

    that current-metal-electronic description makes no sense (in a physical way).
    letting currents flow through your body over uninsulated conductors is a pretty dangerous, if not horribly deadly idea. and just sending current through a piece of steel won't magically improve any sensing capabilities.

    "I think we could try to magnetize them, what we have to lose anyway?"
    my guess would be: magnetic moment :D
  8. Nice Thomas, thanks for the answers!! it's very elucidative!
    I found this sites with some nice information about the magnetic properties of stailess steel ( series 400)
    About 400 series Stainless steel: (read about Martensitic like 400 series) ( they can explain take off our doubts about stainless)

      i think the next step is see how this kind of stainless steel will behave after be magnetized into a magnetizer.

     When i was saying about the current, i want to mean all those fun experiments that we learn with magnets and batteries :)

     I think that will be fun do this kind of thing with the implants  off course, not now but in the early future :) i think this is not looking so dangerous now, huh?

    Unfortunately the 400 series of stainless steel has the short time of corrosion  than the other kinds of stainless steel. Now i'm going to know how long  they can be  in the human body.
    Thanx dude!! really
    I appreciated all answers and advices.

  9. Even if you could produce a ferritic or martensitic stainless steel with good biocompatibility that retains its magnetism over a long period of time, the magnetic field produced would be very weak compared to commonly used materials such as neodymium or alnico, to the point where you wouldn't feel much at all if you implanted one of them.  Honestly, given the established long-term biocompatibility of materials such as PTFE, I'm not sure why you would even bother.

    Since plastics don't rust I'd say that if you're looking at risk reduction, using a proper plastic or silicone coating will carry a significant lower risk than using a non-austenitic steel.
  10. The thing about steel magnets is, that they are weaker than the neodymium ones. And those already have to be in very nerve rich areas.

    As for the current and magnets: You are talking about electro-magnets, right?
    Guess a Hall sensor would be more efficient.

    Edit: beat me by two minutes..
  11. that electromagnetic idea to levitate stuff is out of question within forseeable future. it just demands ways too much power (about 1000 to 100000 times more than available for an implant). if you want to increase sensitivity then you can (as Ben noted) use magnetometers. those will only get you very low frequent fields tho. for higher frequencies you need to work with coils and a bit of analog circuitry. bit complex, but at least reasonably doable.
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