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Anyone happy to chat about their motivations and hopes for biohacking?

Hello everyone! :)

This is my first post here but I’ve previously been lurking a bit on the forum. I am fascinated by the concept of the cyborg and how humans relate to machines, technology, and science. I have decided to conduct a small ethnographic project on biohacking for part of my research at university.

I was wondering if any of you here (who are practising any form of biohacking or have the intention to do so) would be happy to chat with me for a bit about what they do, their motivations, opinions, and hopes for the future related to biohacking. (I would also be particularly interested in anyone’s opinion about biohacking and technofeminism if that’s of interest to you.) These interviews would take about 30 minutes of your time and can be conducted via any channel you like (DM, slack, messenger, skype, ...). Any information would be anonymised and stored safely and confidentially. For further information on the project, I am attaching an information sheet Also, if you would be happy to talk to me but have some unanswered questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Wishing you all a good start to the week!



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  1. Hi Elena,

    I'm actually working on a similar project (post-graduation, since we had weird grading this past semester). If you'd like to collaborate or share resources, I've conducted interviews with Liviu Babitz, Moon Ribas, and Zoltan Istvan all in the last few months.



  2. Hi Elena and Jeffrey! I'm researching researchers who research grinders. If either of you have time, I'd love to talk about the work you're doing and your experience researching the grinder community. Replying here or through PM are both fine.

  3. hey robofaust, i am researching researchers who research people who research the grinding comunity. drop me a pm if you would like to be interviewed on this riveting topic. cheers!

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