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Using chip as emergency information
I was just curious about peoples suggestions/experiences if any. I have an nfc chip programmed with emergency info, allergies etc... Considering getting a tattoo to denote its location, does anyone have any ideas/experience on a logo what would alert emergency services to its existance/location?
Thanks :)
ISO 7010 E003 (the white cross on green background as international standard for first aid) and the "Star of Life" (it probably is recognizeable by medical professionals). Starting from those add a few of the typical wifi lines.
However I doubt that someone with medical routine will bother to download a NFC reader app and try to read a tag unless they literally have have nothing better to do. When seconds count, no sane mind would bother wasting minutes messing with their phone. I'd just print the most vital info on a card that's and put it in the purse where it can be seen on first glance when you open the purse. You could make this a custom printed credit-card-sized tag with proper instructions to read the card with a mobile phone's nfc reader to get additional information.
Another idea (no clue if that already exists or not) would be to upgrade the lock-screen of smartphones. People are more likely to forget their wallet than their smartphone if you'd ask me. So putting an "emergency info" on the unlock screen would make sense. This way the information would be accessible if needed, a picture of you, blood type, allergies etc all in one spot. Again, only useful if the smartphone is even checked for info.
Putting that data on in implant only starts to deliver a real benefit if people are trained to check it, and this check has to be fast.
> @ThomasEgi said:
> Another idea (no clue if that already exists or not) would be to upgrade the lock-screen of smartphones. People are more likely to forget their wallet than their smartphone if you'd ask me. So putting an "emergency info" on the unlock screen would make sense. This way the information would be accessible if needed, a picture of you, blood type, allergies etc all in one spot. Again, only useful if the smartphone is even checked for info.iphones have something like this built in. On the lock screen you can hold the power button (or the power button and either volume button on a phone with face id) to access a screen to make an emergency call or access user entered medical information (conditions/allergies/blood type/etc) with a swipe.
Yeah. Youd have more luck writing your name and dob on the tag of your shirt.
It's a neat concept, but it's one of those things that would need a standardization of where the chip would be, how to access it, etc. Unless you get medical care from a veterinarian.