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Injectable Biomagnet?

I want to try injectable biomagnets.
I’m using 1x1mm n52 magnets with a gold plating (I know the plating won’t last very long).
I put one of these magnets inside of a 15G syringe needle along with a graphite rod to push the magnet down the needle.
I want to implant it in my left ring finger.

Would this work?
Would lidocaine paste work sufficiently to num the finger?
Is 1x1mm big enough for proper sensing?
What biocompatible lubricant could I use inside of the needle to prevent scratching the magnet?
A picture of the magnet (This magnet hasn’t been plated yet but my plating method works well).


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  1. I know gold platings are easy to come by, but their primary weakness is the low hardness of gold. Even if you're rreeaaalllyyy careful during installation, I doubt a gold plated magnet (especially one you plated yourself outside of an industrial scale operation) will last 6 months. I can't tell from the picture if the magnet is cylindrical or square, but be careful with square ones. The corners receive much more wear and the coating degrades faster.

    1mm x 1mm is pretty small. I don't think you'll get great sensing capabilities from that. You might also have a hard time finding it during the inevitable removal procedure. I had a 1mm x 3mm and was a bit disappointed at the sensing capabilities. I switched to a 3mm x 6mm and am more pleased with the results.

    Topical lidocaine is good stuff, but I don't think it will penetrate deep enough for a finger install. Not sure though. I had both of mine done with no pain management. It sucked, but I made it through without much difficulty.

  2. Go big or go home when it comes to magnets. As far as biocompatible lubes go, this one looks safe at first glance (LINK)
    Lidocaine paste is not going to cut it unless you have a good deal of pain tolerance.

  3. @Satur9 said:
    I know gold platings are easy to come by, but their primary weakness is the low hardness of gold. Even if you're rreeaaalllyyy careful during installation, I doubt a gold plated magnet (especially one you plated yourself outside of an industrial scale operation) will last 6 months. I can't tell from the picture if the magnet is cylindrical or square, but be careful with square ones. The corners receive much more wear and the coating degrades faster.

    1mm x 1mm is pretty small. I don't think you'll get great sensing capabilities from that. You might also have a hard time finding it during the inevitable removal procedure. I had a 1mm x 3mm and was a bit disappointed at the sensing capabilities. I switched to a 3mm x 6mm and am more pleased with the results.

    Topical lidocaine is good stuff, but I don't think it will penetrate deep enough for a finger install. Not sure though. I had both of mine done with no pain management. It sucked, but I made it through without much difficulty.

    Do you have the 3mm x 6mm in your finger? Does that not get in your way? Like, I can feel my 1x3 sometimes when I'm cutting vegetables and it can be annoying when I notice it like that. Also, what kind of coating do you have on the 3x6?

  4. I don't have huge fingers, but it's rarely noticeable. It's placed more to the side of my left ring fingertip, away from the pad. I've only had it in for 4 months, but no issues so far.

    It's parylene coated. My last magnet was TiN and failed in less than a year. The big chunk of scar tissue that came out with my last removal helped make room for this larger magnet. This is my first parylene coated one. It's working out well, but I'm not excited for the eventual removal. I'm under the impression that parylene binds to the flesh, so the procedure is going to suck.

    EDIT: Just to clarify, it's 3mm wide by 6mm long

  5. Dang. I probably won't ever go the parylene route, just because of the nuisance of it binding to the skin. I got one of Cassox's magnets when he was still in beta testing. So far, it's holding up great, and I do smash it quite often. I'm left-handed/ambidextrous. So, my right hand (technically my off hand) is mostly my blunt force hand. I play sports right-handed, I use a kitchen knife right-handed, I play music right-handed (which doesn't make sense why proper right-handed people play instruments the way they do. The dexterous hand should be the one working the notes/strings/whathaveyou and your off hand can hold a pick or whatever). Anyways, this means my right hand gets a lot more beating than my left and I probably should've thought about that before I stuck the magnet in there.

    I want a 3x6 in my palm. I smash my right hand too much to put it in there and I slide my left hand fingers across banjo frets, so I don't think that would be comfortable, either. One day. I think Cassox is working on something new that involves a larger sensing magnet in the palm. Maybe I'll try to jump into the beta testing of that, too.

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