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Searching for Sterilization

I'm a student at a large american college looking to make my own implants soon. At this point, the part of the process that I'm most concerned about is sterilizing the implant after it's made. We have a huge medical department as well as a bunch of research labs, so there has to be some kind of sterilization machine I can find and use. Do any students or faculty have advice on locating one of these machines and/or advice on gaining access to them? I have basic clearance to lab buildings and a knack for slinking around campus, plus a healthy dose of plausible deniability just in case.


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  1. Well, what you're looking for is called an autoclave. However, if you're making an active device it won't work for you.. it uses heat that will destroy electronics. Also, there's a biohacker who sent in a number of sample after autoclaving with an electric pressure cooker for third party verification. The pressure cooker worked fine.

  2. @Cassox said:

    Well, what you're looking for is called an autoclave. However, if you're making an active device it won't work for you.. it uses heat that will destroy electronics.

    I'm specifically making an implant that mixes europium glow powder and epoxy resin, coated in something biosafe, similar to the lantern implants from another thread. I know different resins and epoxies have different heat tolerances, but it's so hard to tell the actual content of a craft store type resin, so I don't really know what to buy. I found an autoclave I can use, but now I'm worried that the implant will crack or melt if I use it.

  3. Ah. Then your best bet it chemical sterilization.

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