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Awkward placement of NFC implant

Last night I got the xDF2 DESFire EV2 from Dangerous Things implanted in my left hand. The procedure went well and everything has healed up nicely so far. The only problem is that the chip is currently located in a position that makes it hard to read. The metacarpal bone makes it hard to place the chip against a flat surface and if I put my thumb and index finger together it is impossible to read the chip. Will the chip relocate over time or will it stay in this position forever?


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  1. That's not a great placement. It should ideally be closer to your second metacarpal than your first. It does move around and settle, but the position of your hand muscles is going to result in it settling closer to your thumb. You should probably post in the DT forums. Amal will get back to you with some suggestions. You may be able to shift it over manually and tape it down for a week to get it to resettle closer to the ideal spot. Be ready for the possibility that he'll suggest removal, though =/

  2. My first one is in a similar spot. Not as far as yours but close. Try doing an "ok" symbol. That could help with readability, and it's not too hard to do when it needs to be read

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