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Alternative magnet locations in the hand

Hey all,

So, alternative locations seem to have been brought up a number of times already, and often seem to be dismissed as being not sensitive enough. Does anyone have any expertise or experience with putting a magnet in between their thumb and first finger? My intention is to use it as much as possible in conjunction with electrical work, so it needs to be handy (as it were). However, I'm constantly climbing, lifting, and using tools as part of my job. I thought that maybe if I injected the magnet to sit in that spot, but as near the top (away from the palm) as possible, I might find a balance. Any thoughts?

In related news, has anyone gotten an electrical shock since having their magnet implanted?


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  1. that's a common place for injecting RFID tags. from my own experience with a tag at that spot: you won't feel anything. altho the implant is slightly magnetic, i can feel nothing even if i put it right next to a huge neodym magnet. so you will get zero magnetic-sensing ability.

    other than that, it really stays out of the way. never had any trouble with it, it is unnoticeable. even when climbing, or working with ropes wrapped around the arm to pull etc. it is also pretty easy to implant stuff there, hardly causes any pain (or at least nothing you'd need anesthetics for). it just won't work for the magnetic sensing :)
  2. Aw, that's too bad. So really the fingertip is the only place for it, then, if I want it to be useful?

    I saw another thread about smaller magnets for people who are tough on their hands. Since functionality is exactly what I'm after, I'm not sure if that's a good route to go.
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