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Neuralink Implant

As I'm sure everyone has heard, Elon Musk's Neuralink plans to start human trials on their Neuralink brain implant in 2020. Considering how big of a (technological) jump this is in relation to other brain implants, do you guys think that this will find its way into biohacker brains anytime in the foreseeable future? Of course, Musk hopes to have it one day become available and usable to everyone, not just the disabled (who it is currently being "marketed" for), so I don't think it is a far stretch of the imagination that soon it will be available for everyone once human trials have demonstrated effectiveness.

I am kinda surprised, I feel like this would have made bigger waves on this forum. I haven't seen anything really on it, so if you haven't heard of it, definitely look into it! It is currently one of the most technologically advanced neural implant, small enough to interact with individual neurons. I have high hopes for this.


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  1. Its actually not that big there some great talks on photonic connectomics on youtube that are using litterally 1 year old brain tech the neuralink imolant they announced has been arround since the early 2000s

  2. @Zwytechhacker I didn't say it was new, but this is the most advanced form of that technology, and the first one to be marketed towards everyday people (eventually). I fail to see how this is relevant to any photonic connectome, or really any connectome whatsoever. Two completely different fields of neurology, with entirely different goals.

  3. I watched a good portion. Did I miss something? I know they're taking about an array in the realm of hundreds of thousands connections. However, did they demonstrate the tech or something?

  4. They demonstrated feasibly in mice, so sort of. I'm impressed with the sewing machine interfacing bit and the controller behind it (assuming it works as advertised). Overall though, it's a good step, but not revolutionary yet.

    For background I'm currently working on my PhD in a noninvasive BCI lab, so not an expert maybe, but still someone in the field. Processing any of that data in a meaningful way and more importantly closing the loop and stimulating neurons in a meaningful way will be the huge hurdles for the tech, issues that may take lifetimes to solve. On top of the number of connections they can create, I mean there are still so many issues, I dont even want to list them all.

    Dont get me wrong, it's exciting, impressive, and will be a step forward, but that's all it is,a step not the giant leap we need.

  5. @trryoyyc neuralink is probably going to only sell to researchers and hospitals, plenty of the tech behind neuralink is actually shit you can buy now if you have the connections and money lookup black rock microsystems the reason I bring up connectomics is because of the state of the tech being developed for that also can be used in bci tech such as the tech talked about in this video:

  6. The black is cool yes, but in terms of number of connections it's like an order of magnitude lower then what the what this system is supposed to do. Did he talk about bandwidth vs processing? If it's thousands or hundreds of thousands the processing would have to occur in the implanted device right? That or the bandwidth is insane. So it's got to have a battery? Or is it externally powered? What about heat management? I'll rewatch this today while cleaning. Did he talk about parameters of the device like this?

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