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micro-dosing other things than psychedelics

Hey There,


I discussed pharmacological Performance enhancement of the Human body for some years now and talked to many people.

what I discover is that people use doses of Compounds like Nootropics or Stimulants or even Steroids who lead to big changes in the body-chemistry.

It looks like, for me the body reacts to this intervention heavenly especially in the long run.

I don't have experience in micro-dosing psychedelics myself.

but i'm thinking about micro-dose Selegeline.

i think about 100mcg delivered via s.c. Injection every day, to aid in cognitive performance without causing a big reaction in the body.

I#m for Injection because Selegeline has a p.o. Bioavailability of 10%, and there is this tyramin thing.

The idea behind is:

Tyramin is broke down mainly in the stomach and if you don't have the highest distribution of the drug in your stomach, maybe you can even live without dietary restrictions while taking a MAO-B Inhibitor. (Beware this is only for Tyramin, Don't take something serotonergic because the serotonergic interactions is because auf MAO-B Inhibiotion in the brain.

This is all hypothetical.

Tell me what you think!

Have a nice day!