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back again whit photos of my remagnetizer and new plans for coatings

hello! i have now continued my thermoplastic coating project and now i have been making magnets whit a hdpe coatings. i also have pictures of my remagnetizer and some results how well it works.

after destoying some old 3x1 n52 magnets i had laying around i put them in to the remagnetizer and i was amazed. these magnets have rust on them and some have pieces missing but they all lifted more weight than from factory.

ive also ordered 100 gold plated 3x1.5mm n52 magnets that i will be coating in hdpe. ive had one already rusty magnet that is coated in hdpe soaking in salt water for over 2months and the rusting has stopped so the coating is 100% sealed and uniform
some pictures in this link. remagnetized magnet lifting 180grams/remagnetizer coil and capacitors


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  1. I'd love more info on the Magnetizer. Do you have a diagram?

  2. Also, how are you performing the HDPE coating? It's a great material for a lot of things.

  3. i wil share my knowledge and experience at remagnetizing to this community because i know it opens many doors to new coating ideas.
    no diagram needed for this its only 3 40volt capacitors wired in series so 120volts 66000microfarads discharged in one go in to that small coil. i will count the turns and check the wire thickness and i invented a really simple and neat way to wound a good coil like that.

    the hdpe coating is stupidly simple. heat piece of hdpe and put a magnet in it then put another sheet on top of that and heat the whole thing hot then by using two heated aluminium blocks i press the hdpe magnet sandwich so it makes a very thin and even coating on the magnet and then i trim the sides of the disk by sanding and then finishing it by heating the magnet again so the coating melts and makes a fully even, thin and smooth shiny coating.

  4. Interesting. Yeah. I've got some HDPE rod that I'm going to try this with. Same idea. Have you done any testing? Also, are you getting high purity stuff?

  5. give it a try and would like to get results from others! only test i have done on the coating is salt soap water whit already rusty magnet and the rusting stopped so hdpe is really good material in terms of sealing and protecting the implant from body and vice versa since it is a strong and sturdy material whit really nice properties:)
    after 4 years of trying to find/make a good long lifed if not a life time affordable implant magnet i think i have succeeded finally. of course this technique can be applied to any thermoplastics it is a very promising approach

  6. I've worked with raw HDPE rods for welding before. Quite the interesting material which can be hot-melt but ultrasonic/friction/laser-welding works too. If you have two parts with different optical properties (for example one transparent in the IR-range and one opaque you can laser weld it with an IR-Laser through the optically clear layer on top. Means you can create a perfect weld where the two sheets touch without heating the magnet at all.

  7. ive heard of that but for myself this approach is much more interesting

    yesterday i implanted my first prototype of the thermoplastic coated magnet in the pad of my right hand index finger.
    i spent over 20hours total reading about different plastics and coating whit them
    and actually went from hdpe to Polyethylene terephthalate.
    so after soaking gold plated magnets for 2weeks in salt water i chose the prettiest of them and coated it whit very common plastic, Polyethylene terephthalate then used my remagnetizer that really does work like a dream.
    pet needs high temperature to melt but once it melts it is almost liquid, once solid its very hard but impossible to fracture or break, it has a very nice properties, it also really tends to bond whit the gold coating, its also really easy to work whit:)

    and btw the magnets used are 24k gold plated gaussboys 3x1.5 n52. they are very good quality in my opinion.

    sorry but i was in hurry and didnt capture a y pictures of the magnet itself but its *nice*

    the picture in this link is taken 29hours after the implantation. i also quit using bandages just now.

  9. Why the pad though?

  10. thats where i got the most sensation. it doesnt seem to be in way when doing things and its actually quite comfortable there.

  11. @dieselpwr said:

    and btw the magnets used are 24k gold plated gaussboys 3x1.5 n52. they are very good quality in my opinion.

    What would you estimate the size of the whole magnet was after applying the PET? The silicone (and even hot glue) coatings I've seen end up being pretty big to maintain the integrity of the plastic shell.

  12. according to the handbook for biomedical engineering and design ( ISBN: 978-0-07-170473-1) PET undergoes very slow bioerosion. it does have reasonably good permeability to prevent moisture and oxygen (so it will most likely be unaffected by the salt water tests).

    you best keep an eye on the implant. On the long term as your body will very slowly eat away the coating (i have no numbers on the erosion rate tho). Might be a good idea to remove it before that happens.

    If you want more plastics to concider give Fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) a try. It comes with reasonably good barrier properties and is bioinert (so it won't erode away over time). It's probably more difficult to process as you have to nail the temperatures. All in all it's a bit like PTFE but it's still has a thermoplastic temperature band before it starts decomposing.

  13. okay so here is the magnet (removed it to see how its doing) absolutely hasnt changed at all

  14. Interesting. I have a bunch of coils but I'd think that theyd fail right away. Is the wire thicker then magnet wire?

  15. wire is about 0.7mm in diameter if i remember correctly

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