The forums were originally run on Vanilla and ran from January 2011 to July 2024. They are preserved here as a read-only archive. If you had an account on the forums and are in the archive and wish to have either your posts anonymized or removed entirely, email us and let us know.
While we are no longer running Vanilla, Patreon badges are still being awarded, and shoutout forum posts are being created, because this is done directly in the database via an automated task.
Biohackers in the UK UCL research
Hello everyone,
I am a final year student at UCL studying History and Philosophy of Science.
I am writing a dissertation on what being a biohacker in the UK today, means. I want to investigate identity, innovation and obstacles, biohackers might face as practitioners. I am looking for interviewees who have participated in biohacking practices (even if the word biohacker is not something you would concretely identify as - i.e. instead, scientist, grinder, cyborg).
If you are interested in assisting, interviews will be held during the next 14 days and will be up to 30 minutes each. Interviews will be arranged for mutual convenience and can be completely anonymous. I am London based.
These interviews will not be published anywhere and are for research purposes only.
This study has been given full ethical approval by the UCL research ethics committee.
If you have any questions leave them below. Or feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Thank you!