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Grindfest 5: Beyond the Thunderdome in Space the Musical

I just realized there was never an official announcement on the forums for this year's Grindfest! So, here it is. Better late than never, right?

Grindfest 5: Beyond the Thunderdome in Space the Musical, will be May 3-5 2019 in Tehachapi, California.

More details in @cassox's blog post announcement:


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  1. Yeah. It's going to be the best one yet. If you guys want to share it via media such as Facebook or Twitter, feel free.

  2. I am SO hyped to see y'all.

  3. Yep. The first group had arrived already to work on the lab. I love this community.

  4. So, the insulation job is pretty much complete and fantastic. There's a ton of work left to do but we're on track to have it finished.

  5. Grindfest is coming! May 3-5 Please sign up at

    The RSVPs are coming in, combined with new friends from BDYHAX and all our usual suspects this is shaping up to be a great time. Crossing fingers for good night weather for the Eta Aquariids meteor shower and al fresco dinner.

    Grindfest rideshares are forming...check it out on the Slack channel. Annual electric knifefights will have a signup on-site.

    Please let me know if you have any questions/concerns etc.If you'd like to present at Grindfest or have a particular project you'd like to collaborate on, please let us know. If you want a procedure performed let us know and we can get it on the schedule.

  6. Just a week away! Procedural intensive, electric knife fights, meteor showers, talks and sessions, project planning (ok only I find this one awesome), and you all!

  7. I enjoy the actionable tasks and lively discussion that come from the project planning <3

  8. <3 One of many reasons why you are awesome!

  9. Hello all :) My name is Santi, I am a futurist, filmmaker and researcher. I will be joining Grindfest for the first time this year! Super excited to meet the community and learn more. I am currently doing some research on transhumanism and biohacking, and hope to produce some form of experimental documentary (not about the fest itself). Can't wait to hear about the projects, experiments and discussions going on :)

  10. Hi Santi! I think you'll enjoy Grindfest a great deal. See you soon.

  11. Grindfest 05 is nearly here

    Please RSVP (while we tend to make too much food, we don't want to run out ):

    We think it may be a smaller crowd this year so it's a good time to dive in on some skills and key conversations.

    Come learn about PCB design, Arduino programming and CPR knowledge. If you are coming for the Procedural Intensive you will be learning about the grinding wetware basics. We'll have a talk on kombucha as a sustainable textile, conversations on projects and of course community goals for the next year. Expect interesting people and topics at every turn.

    Friday night will be dinner under the stars and meteor shower watching. Saturday night will be pit/BBQ and the annual electric knife fight-- who will emerge the victor this year?

    Grindfest adheres to the community code of conduct
    We are a friendly, inclusive group. Please let us know about any violations, we don't expect perfection but we do expect correction. Please contact Cyberlass if you have questions, comments or concerns.

  12. Things are shaping up for Grindfest and the Procedural Intensive is underway! Can't wait to see everyone.

  13. Wow. Well.. this year kind of pushed me out of my comfort zone a bit.

  14. as is tradition, there wasn't quite enough time to do everything that needed doing at grindfest, hence Lepht missed its flight home because it was getting a literal computer with personal area network installed in its arm (more on this later) and @cyberlass came to the rescue to help rebook and get it back home safe.

    if y'all can shoot some money at cyberlass' venmo ( ) or paypal ( ) to help cover the cost of rebooking flights (~$2k), that would be great!

  15. so where's the pics? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  16. Yeah. I get paid again Friday and I'll help as I can. This year was pretty epic. We placed 3 new devices and I'm really excited to see how they work out.

  17. Hopefully next year I can come.

    When will the date be released?

  18. @Cassox said:
    Yeah. I get paid again Friday and I'll help as I can. This year was pretty epic. We placed 3 new devices and I'm really excited to see how they work out.

    Can you share which devices they were? Any pics? Any kind of report at all? Thanks.

  19. We need to get an album together! @birdmachine and I got a biometric implant for our project x implant. Lepht worked with a couple people and had a new implant created during Grindfest that does some communications -- haven't heard from it if it is okay to talk about yet. Will confirm and about an update. I'll post a pic of mine lit a bit later.

  20. Grindfest 05
    * Grinder dinner the first night was under the Thunderdome (plastic bubble)
    * Champion of the Annual Electric Knife Fights is Nick! He will have his name engraved on the trophy and is naming the queen of the bee colony that Cassox got.
    * @birdmachine, @cyberlass and @lepht had "project x" implants
    * We had Hannes and Santi visiting as artists
    * Stabby Stabby Electro-death (named by last years champion Mixael) grew up to be a friendly chicken
    * *Butterfly migration - they streamed by in clouds for ages
    * Campfire singalong
    * Speakers included @fraiz - Kombucha, @McStuff - PCB Design and manufacturing, Nick - Grinder dystopia, @yashgaroth - Human germline genetic engineering project, @cyberlass - Projects for the year
    * Tech Projects: Direction/Northpaw, LED implant
    * Community projects: journal, zine, stickers/patches, project managers, money and the community.

    * Sign up:

  21. @birdmachine and I have had our project x implants healing up nicely. We're getting data from mine and hers is next. The LED is bright when on. :)

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