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Increasing Magnet strength

Recently I have been thinking about getting magnet implants in my fingertips, but I want to get the greatest strength out of them I possibly can. I read somewhere on here that if you stack them (NS,SN,NS,SN,NS) it could increase the strength. I was just wondering if this is possible and if it is how exactly would I go about doing it?


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  1. Yeah, we've thought of that.  As far as I remember, the discussions on that ended inconclusively.  On the one hand, we've had arguments that smaller magnets might be more sensitive, while on the other, I know someone who has a very sensitive magnet, even though it's the biggest one that's been implanted.
  2. hey i'm new new... but would anchoring the magnet to the bone be a good idea? you should still be able to use it the same way, and you could use a more powerful one without the risk of jiggling it around. i personally don't have any implants (yet) so this is just speculation on my part... thoughts anybody?
  3. if you anchor the magnet to your bone, the nerves in your fingertip will no longer be able to pick up the magnet's "jiggling". so it would no longer work. besides, ancroring stuff to bones is tricky if not to say, difficult
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