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Magnet/card inside my cervix

Hi there magnetic community,

I have a magnet in my cervix, my right and eft hands and both feet as well as my brain, several.. I also have a rfis magnetic ink tattoo on the back of my ne k. From what I've read these types of tattoo are held on by radio frequencies. So everything I encounter is experiencing reverse polarity. My inside stomach lining, esophagus and vaginal walls are becoming seriously eroded. The one inside my cervix came in contact with a dangerous substance and I had radiation sickness on top of that so I used hydrogen peroxide now I suppose thay measure was necisarry but too extreme. Who or what method or service could you recommend. I miss my sex life and I also miss my brain..

Thank you for reading my inquiry and advice will be much appre i


Displaying all 3 comments
  1. I don't even know how to begin to respond to this.

  2. Come on @dr4gon be nice.

    My advice would be to speak with an MD about this and get a referral for some help.

    Based on what I've just read, it sounds like you are dealing with something that isn't real and talking it over with a professional would be the first step in getting some real help. You may even be dealing with an actual medical condition, but it is definitely not what you think.

    For starters, who implanted these magnets?

  3. It's probably a good time to remind people of our Illegal and unwanted implant thread.

    It sounds like there's probably a lot going on here, and I don't think anyone here is qualified to help you.

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