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Experience with has 2mmx7mm and 2x5mm magnets coated with PTFE (  10 pack is $26.00.  Does anyone have any experience with them?  Or a better supplier in the US that will do small orders?  I'm planning on injecting these with a microchip syringe.


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  1. I've ordered them from BOLA before:
  2. the stirrer magnets they sell look awfully close to those sold by BOLA. you may want to email that shop and ask from what manufactory those magnets are from. if it indeed are BOLA magnets, that'd be a pretty decent source for low-volume orders.

    btw. without any actual implant done yet. i recommend the 2x7mm over the 2x5mm, as the 5mm ones are a lot weaker compared to the 7mm
  3. Cool, thanks for the recommendation.  I shot them a note.  We'll see how they respond.  I'm planning on ordering a set of 2x7mm magnets tonight.  That will give me 10 to implant, and then I just need a RFID injector.

    [edit] Change of plans: I'm buying from Amazon instead: .  Hopefully these are fine.
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