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First implants and future proofing

I'm interested in getting my first implant, I want something future proof like the Vivokey Spark, but I don't see much discussion for it, The idea of software updates through their app and a possibility of contact less payment is a plus. Does anyone have used the spark and is it good for absolute beginners?


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  1. So, honestly I would get an x-series style rfid/nfc first. The flex's install procedure is a bit much for a beginner. I think that jumping right in is great, but an implant the size of a grain of rice is a good place to start. I learned more by doing 2 rfid installs [one on myself and one on another person] than I ever thought I would. Things that aren't common subjects of thought, like pain tolerance. I have chronic Tourettes that hurts immensely, so I thought my tolerance would be higher. Turns out, No! I got a bit wigged out when feeling the needle pop through the layers of skin. I also learned I shouldn't eat anywhere near a procedure! I ruined my magnet because I got sick! So no, I wouldn't put you off of an implant, hell, that's what we're here for. But I would advise you on the learning curve that comes with.

  2. Just to clarify, the VivoKey Spark is the smaller variant in a biocompatible glass capsule. I suspect Moonman was referring to the Flex One, which does have a more involved install process.

    Personally, I'm a huge fan of Amal and DT. I suspect he will continue the development of the VivoKey system into the future and it will become a very powerful platform for "cryptobionic" identification and even payments.

    That said, the VivoKey Spark doesn't currently do much, and you'll have to patiently wait for updates and developments. If you're really interested in becoming a biohacker, I would recommend your first implant be one you can mess around with yourself like an xNT or something. That way you can learn and grow your skills while you wait for the "plug and play" options like VivoKey to mature.

  3. @MaverickM22 In my opinion, most implants currently available are relatively futureproof. 125khz chips and readers have existed for decades and are still just as relevant. Even NFC chips, which are substantially newer, will be relevant for years and years to come. The only issue I could think of is storage size, but unless the read rates are improved in the future, larger storage only means having to sit in place for longer while the chip is read.

    I have been following the development of the VivoKey for some time now, but it still isn't at a point yet where I feel like actually getting one. For me, contactless payments will be the feature that makes it an invaluable addition to my body.

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