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I want implants but.....

I really want magnetic implants. I think that it would be awesome to feel electromagnetic waves considering that we are living in a new age of technology. But there is 2 problems. I am only 13 so I am wondering if it would be safe to put magnets in my body even though I still need my growth plates to finish growing. Should I wait a few more years or should I get them now so I get used to it sooner? I've read countless articles about magnets breaking and cracking and I would probably need a new one in a few years given my active life style. My other problem is finding a body mod place where I live and see if they would give magnets to a 13 year old. I would love your input, thank you,].


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  1. First read other posts before posting second it's not happening, :/discussions/2338?page=1

  2. Yeah. Sorry dude. No one would take that risk on themselves. They'll still be around when you're 18.

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