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Going to Mexico for Installation

I'm really wanting to have magnetic implants installed, but I'm a little leery of having somebody with no medical experience digging around in my finger (and no anesthetic sucks too).  Luckily, I live about an hour from the nearest border crossing into Mexico, and I already go there for all my medical needs - just got my teeth cleaned for $30.  

Does anybody have any experience with going abroad to get work done?  I'm pretty sure I can find a surgeon who will put in the implant for me for cheap, but I'm just curious if anyone else has done this.


Displaying all 7 comments
  1. I went to the UK - nearly a whole hour by plane away - and got a piercer there to do it, but I doubt that my experience is really comparable. What were you looking to find out?
  2. @Zenergy: How far are you from Phoenix? Haworth does them for $200. It was quick and nearly painless. You don't need a doc for this. I imagine it would cost just as much for a doc with Lidocaine (which you can always get yourself from silkroad), even in Mexico. Maybe not. Haworth has done thousands of these. He would be much better than a doctor who has never done it before. Just my two cents.
  3. @DirectorX How was your experience with Haworth? I'm hoping to catch him in NYC sometime this fall to get mine done. What was the pain like without medication? Is there something easier than Lidocaine to procure that I could use to numb some of it?
  4. As @DirectorX has previously stated: ice. (",)
  5. Or, as I recall from somewhere else on here... probably from the mad Director, cocaine!
    (Note: probably easier to get than lidocaine, but purity might be an issue)
  6. @Khomeini: Haworth is the master. Highly recommend. His technique involves numbing the finger with ice before the incision (through a glove to keep the skin dry). He is fast too. It was all over in under 60 seconds. Honestly, if a professional is doing it, you probably don't need anything in the way of pain management beyond some ibuprofen.
  7. I'm pretty far from Phoenix, but that sounds like it might be worth the trip.  Thanks for the advice.
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