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Biomagnets in toes?

I have an interesting idea. I injured my big toe some time ago and had to get parts of the skin removed. Because of this, I have little feeling in the (very) thick upper part of my skin in my big toe. Out of curiousity, I have gotten objects like needles and poked them clean through at a surprising depth. This got me thinking, could I cut as deep as I possibly can without causing severe pain (I have no anesthetic and want to try to get a feel for biomagnets before investing in the whole surgery kit) and after cutting insert a rather large magnet and sew it shut. Will this work? I think I have a decent amount of nerve endings in my lower skin layers left, but the top couple layers are shot. Will this be a faithful recreation of a finger magnet? I know the functionality will be limited but will I get the same “sensing effects”. Will they be weaker or stronger considering the area is very mildly numb, but I’m also using a magnet that is several times bigger than the standard biomagnet. Would love to hear some advice. If I like it then I’ll stop being a bitch and get a finger implant done.


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  1. I would advise against doing that. It's a valid question, and this is the kind of place you should be asking it. I just want to share some of my thoughts.

    A physically larger magnet doesn't necessarily allow you to feel more sensation than a small one because it takes more force to move it. The big ones are usually used by people who want to lift objects.

    I think the foot is an iffy spot under any circumstances because there is stress from walking, fewer nerves, and you don't usually put your unshod foot up to stuff. Additionally in your case there's damage, so you may not feel anything even after a month of healing, which would be super frustrating.

    If you want an idea of how close you have to be to a magnetic field to get any sensation, try holding a magnet tightly between your fingers and putting your hand next to a microwave oven.

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