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Is coding an amiibo possible?

I know people can code amiibos onto regular nfc tags. But as long as you have the codes, will any implants be big enough to do the job? I have already backed up my favorite (a yellow kirby lol) to get the code.


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  1. I don't know, but that's hilarious. I had to look it up.

  2. Ha, I saw another one of your posts on this subject and PM'd you before I realized you posed the question here.

    So I did some research and it appears the Amiibos use an NTAG215 chip, whereas most implants use NTAG216 chips. The major difference is the amount of memory, so you basically have to partition your tag to emulate the lesser tag so the Nintendo device can recognize it. Here's a thread about it:
    [mod edit: fixed link]

  3. IIRC, the data field that determines which character the amiibo identifies as must be marked as read-only or Nintendo's software won't identify it as a valid amiibo. Meaning, if you ever wanted to swap the amiibo data out or use the implant for non-amiibo purposes, you'd have to just replace the implant.

  4. @CitrusBolt
    That's a good point. It appears that some Amiibos are set up to be rewritable so you can save character progress to them. Maybe the memory isn't permanently set to read-only with lock-bits, it just has a read-only indicator in the capability container.

    You're definitely going to want to do some testing before you try and modify an implanted tag. I just bought a bunch of NTAG216 stickers online for next to nothing. They were really easy to work with if you have the right apps on your phone. I use NFC Tools, and the Dangerous Things app is useful. My tag unlocks my phone, so I wanted to have a backup lying around in case my implant goes.

  5. Saw a recent post on the DT forums relating to this:

    The verdict seems to be that it has little chance of success, and if it does work irreversibly activates the lock bits for a chunk of your tag. I feel bad for the poster, getting a tag removed can be worse that getting it installed. At very least this story serves as a lesson to do your homework and perform experiments with proxy materials before jumping into anything.

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