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Thigh magnets?

Let me start out by saying I have zero experience with magnet implants and only really think about these concepts. I've just been mulling over this idea in my brain for a little while. I don't want to bring out the whole "why carry a gun?" "concealed carry isn't necessary" arguments here, just want to talk about feasibility of this type of implant.

Anyone ever notice that most cargo pant/shorts are of suitable height and width to fit a handgun in? With the right positioning, flaps, and Velcro connectors it is quite easy to slip you hand into the pants and draw a pistol. One problem however, even light weight handguns tend to flop around in the pocket and sag in your pockets making this method of carry impractical. I had an idea once to design a leg strap with magnets to hold the gun close to your leg through the pocket and to secure it for vigorous movement, but I haven't really gotten around to it. A strap may still be the best option for this, but after recently discovering the world of bio-hacking, I wondered if it was possible to have two magnet implants on one's thigh large enough to be able to support a pistol by attaching in two places on the slide of the pistol. Just an idea, the magnets would be need to adequately support a weight of 35 oz. with limited movement, but not so strong as to pull out your skin every time you drew your gun. Don't know if it would even work well enough to justify limited surgery.


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  1. magnets are not really suited for this. they have the unpleasent property to attract other magnetic objects and the closer those get, the bigger the force. so you would probably end up damaging your skin by having it squeezed between magnet and whatever is on the other side.

    if that doesn't hold you off, BOLA sells PTFE shrinking-tube that could be used to wrap around bigger objects to bioproof them (given you seal the ends)
  2. I'd add that any magnet strong enough to accomplish that would be a magnet you definitely don't want to implant.
  3. Yea, that's what I afraid of. Is it possible to have an magnetic dermal anchor where the magnet is above the skin or would the weight still be too much? Sorry, I seem to have multiple accounts associated with one email.
  4. The weight would probably be too much.

    Think about it, the sidearm Victoria Police uses (Aussie here) which is a Smith and Wesson M&P .40 weighs about 680 grams. That's a fair bit of weight to be having attached to your flesh. A dermal anchor would be putting all that weight onto one little point - it'd be just like when someone pulls out a piercing only slower.

    I'm pretty confident that, with that amount of weight, the anchor would migrate/reject pretty quickly, and you'd be left with nothing.

    Cool idea, but seriously, just go with the strap :)
  5. Firearms discussion aside, the thigh is one of the more sensitive areas of the body. Do you think it would be sensitive enough to make thigh-nodes functional?
  6. There's a guy who used transdermal magnets to attach his iPod to his wrist:
    Transdermals are tricky, though, and it probably wouldn't work well for heavier weights.

    As far as I know, the thigh doesn't have a particular high nerve density, so a thigh node probably wouldn't be very effective.  Near the genitalia would probably work, though.
  7. Thanks for the input guys! If I get around to designing the strap, I'll repost with pictures.
  8. as far as weapon carry, the back is the best place. i've put together several rigs that are good for anything metal. not so good if you get pushed into a streetlight, but mine have been useful in my bow hunting, carrying the bow, a .45 and machete, all within easy reach. 
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