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Introduction to Pharmacology

There's a new class starting today on called Introduction to Pharmacology -- this particular class is administered by the University of Pennsylvania school of medicine.  You won't get any sort of school credit for completing it, but Coursera classes are usually fairly informative -- they consist of video lectures, graded questions, and discussion forums the professors participate in.  I'm just finishing one on machine learning, and so far it's been a great experience -- I'm signed up for about half a dozen more that start over the next 4 or 5 months.


Displaying all 4 comments
  1. Sounds like fun! I'm in. I didn't know about Coursera before. I'm always interested in exploring open courseware sites. This one seems rather nicely done. Thanks for the tip!
  2. Fantastic, I've been having an interest in pharmacology lately, so I'll be participating as well.  Unfortunately, it's a bit poorly timed as I'm currently on vacation, but I hope I'll be able to catch up anyway.  Thanks for sharing!
  3. great tip! thanx
  4. I signed up for it; didn't know about Coursera either.  I also signed up for one on quantum computation that starts in mid-July, especially since, according to it, it's a new perspective on quantum mechanics.
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