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Subdermal motor nerve interface

Okay so everything below is purely hypothetical, but it would be really awesome if possible.

Maybe, just maybe, I'm trying to find a solution to a problem that doesn't exist, but still, you have to admit that having a neural interface would be really cool. So, oviously we're not getting something like in movies anytime soon, but there might just be a "simple" alternative

Imagine having an implanted logic chip, with a tiny coil for wireless power transfer (like RF/NFC chips) connected to a peripheral motor nerve (something like the ulnar nerve in the palm). This chip would be able to send and receive data, just like said NFC chips, but this data would be used to a) measure voltage in the nerve to provide output and b) stimulate the nerve by applying voltage to provide input.
This would be a very crude and simple version of a neural interface, but also a version that could potentially be done in this decade.

In short - by simply moving your fingers, you would be able to provide computer input, and also receive feedback.

Making the electrode out of conventional conductors would probably not be a good idea, but using an elastic conductive polymer (such as PEDOT-PSS) might work just fine

The circuitry would have to be small enough to not be too invasive but this has already been achieved in nfc.

Also, this would require a proper surgery, doing this at home would be really dangerous.

I can't honestly think of many practical applications this would have, but I'm sure they are there.
On the other hand, the same feature could probably be achieved by using non-invasive superficial electrodes, which doesn't need surgery and makes this kind of obsolete.
What do you people think?


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  1. A bit too late for that. if you have access to a library database look up this paper:

    Warrick, K et al. Thought communication and control: a first step using radiotelegraphy. IEE PROCEEDINGS-COMMUNICATIONS 2004; 151: 185-189

    I would agree though this is a bit too much to do at home: for one thing if you're not familiar with anatomy (tendons, blood vessels and nerves can be a bit hard to tell apart) you might attach to the wrong thing (that's the least of your worries).

  2. What if instead of nerves we have it sense the musical contracting it’s may be less accurate but it’s a start also it may be less risky on damaging anything that will have a major affect on you body

  3. A company called Myo has created a gesture control armband that can detect hand movements via the tensing of muscles in the user's upper arm. You could probably use their apk to develop an interface for pretty much any device. So that's the output down.

    As for feedback to the user, someone could develop an armband like that but with vibration, heating elements, and lights to communicate a pretty large range of information.

    Not quite the spectacular biohack you were looking for, but definitely a good first step towards a true human-machine interface.

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