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reversing hair graying with existing drugs

sorry if this isn't the right forum for this, I am new here and don't know where to discuss about this.
recently i began searching for cures/treatments for gray hair, of course there is hair dyes but it is not perfect in terms of the hair color results like white growing roots. it is some kind of a solution but not as good as a cure.

while searching for possible cures/treatments for hair graying being researched now I also saw a surprisingly amount of cases where existing drugs had side effects of restoring pigmentation for gray hair. There was a case with cancer patients who took immunotherapy drugs and regained their hair color(there was many news articles about it last year) despite them being over 60 years old. and there was many other cases like this one
and it made me think about experiencing with some of those drugs just to see how its work, the article in the link mentioned several other medications that could cause hair repigmentation with/without the drug(secukinumab) which also caused hair growth despite in the patient who suffered from male pattern hair loss.

the only problem is the price of the drug secukinumab(also known as cosentyx) and the possible side effects of immunotherapy drugs(in the case i talked about most of the patients took a drug called nivolumab) which might be dangerous if the side effects aren't treated well(I read that the side effects are reversible if they detected early). but if you have a lot of money secukinumab can be good at least for an experiment and it is safe with very minor side effects and if its work it can also regrow your hair if you have hair loss problems and all that with just one dose of this drug in a month.

so what do you think? it is worth experimenting with at least some of those drugs?


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  1. I've heard that colloidal copper can help reverse gray hair but I haven't tested it myself.

    It may be caused by some other deficiency.

  2. I found out that there is actually a surgical way of transplanting new melanocytes(the cells that produce the pigment in the hair and is in smaller amount or not at all in gray hair) into gray hair follicles and turning them back to black hairs. its usually used to restore the damage caused by vitiligo(a disease that destroy melanocytes) in the skin and there was some successeful attempts of using the procedure on hair that turned gray due to vitiligo destroying the melanocytes in the hair follicles: and i also managed to find a doctor who dose melanocyte transplantation in vitiligo patients that also done one treatment for gray hair and he said that he can do an experiment on "natural" gray hair and it will cost just like the regular treatment which is 572$. he said that it doesn't always work and some hairs will get new melanocytes and some will not(it can be seen in the article where it worked only on few hairs in some woman) and that why i wouldn't try it myself just yet cause i only have one white hair on the head and few more on my facial hair but i wouldn't do this procedure on my face cause it might cause pigmentation stains on my face.
    here is an article the doctor sent me about his treatment for gray hair:
    his email is "[email protected]" so if someone want to do an experiment he should just contact him.

  3. Not really sure that it could actually work, I have been in Melanotan for at least 11 years , and my hair is graying anyway.

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