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Sensing questions

I've recently had a consultation with somebody willing to implant one of Samppa's parylene cylinder magnets. I initially wanted to have it put in my left hand ring fingertip off to the side a little bit, as is probably most common but she said that her clients always come back asking for a removal when she puts them in their fingertips, because of many things going wrong, and the magnets rejecting almost every time. She prefers to put them in the fleshy bit between the index and thumb, which is where she has hers, and she can lift quite a lot with it, she showed me by picking up a big pair of scissors. Problem is, she says she's never sensed any magnetic fields and says it's bollocks. So I'm asking if anybody here has a magnet in that place and can you sense magnetic fields? Or is that somewhere where you've got no chance of sensing anything?


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  1. there are hardly any nerves there so you have no chance of ever sensing anything.

    if finger magnets she inserts reject almost every time, she's likely doing something incorrectly. you should go to someone else!

  2. I have the magnet from Samppa in this position (left hand - ringerfinger - fingertip off to the side )
    No problems - my bodymod said to me: "Don't play for two month!" it healed perfect.

    Sensing is amazing - I can feel the security gates from a libarary from 1 meter away. Standing between the gates is incredible :)

    Lifting is also great: lifting 30 paperclips:

  3. I got one in left hand between thumb and index finger, a cylinder magnet. I can feel some magnetic fields, especially some of the machinery at work, especially one of the welding machines, which causes enough movement for other people who happens to be touching my hand at that time to feel it as well.

    However, while at home, I never felt any fields from microvawe and such.

  4. I think I've got the same cylinders, and I get pretty great sensation with them installed on the sides of my hands, below the pinkie finger.

  5. > @Sandra said:
    > I have the magnet from Samppa in this position (left hand - ringerfinger - fingertip off to the side )
    > No problems - my bodymod said to me: "Don't play for two month!" it healed perfect.
    > Sensing is amazing - I can feel the security gates from a libarary from 1 meter away. Standing between the gates is incredible :)
    > Lifting is also great: lifting 30 paperclips:

    Uh, that's actually super cool, what type of magnet is it, what coating and where did you get it from?

  6. I can't write the coating in English - it is the magnet (zylinder) from Samppa.

    Bodymod: Ganesha-Bodymodification (Martin Kraus)

  7. I got one of Samppa's in the side of my palm, about an inch below the bottom knuckle of my pinkie, can't feel any fields unless it is really powerful and close like holding on a welding gun or an electric impact gun/drill etc.

  8. Really? Interesting. SVC magnets are so much larger that people usually have great results. Remind me.. you have one of my magnets in right?

  9. @Cassox you made your own magnets? What size/coating?

  10. Ha! Yeah. I've made a few. I'll bump a different thread about it in a second.

  11. i've been gluing magnets to my fingers nails and side of my hand's for a week now and already i can feel light bulb's,cooker's,fan's,dremel tool's,ecig's but only big one's so far and the list goes on my favourite so far is feeling the ram in my pc can't feel the cpu or gpu yet cant wait to implant but i want that many i need to learn how to fab all my parts

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