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Anyone know how to use Crispr peewee, or Cpf1 to remove a protein from a virus?


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  1. This is a shotgun blast of concepts. Let's try to work through them all.

    A lenti virus can easily handle a crispr system. I think our latest construct has two know outs and isn't too big to mess anything up.

    If you want to make a virus for human application, you need to grow that virus in human cells. It just works better. You can insert your lenti plasmids (usually a 3 part system) into you mammalian cells with electroporation or better yet, lipofectamine, and then they build themselves.
    You can build your plasmids in simple ecoli, isolate, and then bake in mammalian cells. We're having good luck with the Vero line, but CHO is also good.

    Your last paragraph needs clarification. What is "Crispr gel"? Also, the targeting and therapy outline seems highly specific. Have you looked in to what Andreas Stuermer is doing with glyD knockout herpes?

    Remember, just cause a tool exists, doesn't mean it need to be used.

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