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Anyone had/has info about these guys and their products?


Displaying all 9 comments
  1. Never heard of them

    They look strikingly similar to 's MultipassRFID/MultipassNFC/MultipassMifare except $20 less each and with more in the prep kit...

  2. > @rodanco said:
    > Anyone had/has info about these guys and their products?

    Yes, I bought my first RFID chip there (X2). They are from Germany (Dortmund) I searched for RFID Implants - and they had a Partner Piercing Studio in Austria.
    I don't have problems with my implant from them.

  3. @Sandra thank you for your time.
    May I ask why do you have 2 LF and 3 HF and where did you put them? Thinking if I can/should put 2 in one hand, like 0.5cm apart...

  4. @bentpins Yeah they're cheaper

  5. @rodanco said:
    @Sandra thank you for your time.
    May I ask why do you have 2 LF and 3 HF and where did you put them? Thinking if I can/should put 2 in one hand, like 0.5cm apart...

    Hopefully I can describe it correct - my english isn't so perfect (bodyparts)... and I must get a new x-ray ;)

    Why so many: different frequencys, technology and just interested in the implants :) Waiting for the xM1+ and the vivokey <3

    The 2 Low frequency have different frequencys, one is the xEM with 124 kHz - it is in my right hand between the index finger and the thumb. The other one ist the xBT 134 kHz with the temperatur sensor in it - it is in my left upper arm

    The High Frequency Ones ;)
    Also in the left hand is between the index finger and the thumb the X2 (my first implant) and in my forearm is the flexNT. The flexNT has a better reader range.

    The flexDF (desfire chip) is in the left hand on the side after the little finger. some pictures, maybe this help, where this chip is located (sorry the post is in German)

  6. @Sandra
    Thank you for your clarification,
    Thinking to get 3 implants but not sure about the spot for the 3Rd one

  7. > @rodanco said:
    > @Sandra
    > Thank you for your clarification,
    > Thinking to get 3 implants but not sure about the spot for the 3Rd one

    Depends what you like to do with the implants. Hopefully it will work to put the xM1+ in the same location like the flexDF - but in the right hand.

  8. @Sandra
    I want an xEM with an xNT on one hand and an xM1+ on the other, not 2 of same frequency on same hand....especially if they're close...

  9. I would only put one implant between the index finger and the thumb.

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